Hello! I will tell what I do. My notebook is Samsung Expert 40 and was with Windows. I update for 11 and get some virus. Then I decide to delete the virus and no chance and break the systems. So I decide formatted with Ubuntu and Crypto HD. And then the touchpad doesn't work. What I do go to one Cyber Shop here in my Town and the specialist install Ubuntu new version. But every time I turn on, something strange I see on the first page. So I leave the Notebook for 2 or 3 months and used more my Smartphone, Samsung too. But I am a self-taught content author. I loved to make some new with the words. I search and see the Lubuntu as option. Format the notebook, but even that I think it was with the virus. So I search and formatted 10 times with the command I lost in my mind. I just used the computer for Writing, basic, without the photos, and some art. When I need to do something on the Notebook, every time search on the Internet. When was Windows, I work with this Notebook on some Business. So Now I am with the Elementary OS and I think is good. I come to Linux for security for my content author. Thanks for every one, I can't understand these e-mails. I hope it's good. Best Regards, Air Felipe ________________________________ De: