logrotate (3.8.6-1ubuntu1) trusty; urgency=low
* Resynchronise with Debian. Remaining changes:
- debian/control: Drop mailx to Suggests for Ubuntu; it's only used
on request, and we don't configure an MTA by default.
- debian/cron.daily: Clean non-existent log files from logrotate status
logrotate (3.8.6-1) unstable; urgency=low
* New upstream release
- logrotate crashes with sharedscripts when no logs are rotated.
- Fix potential buffer overflow in parsing config.
* New patch:
- mktime-718332.patch: Fix incorrectly initialized struct tm causing
extra rotations. (Closes: #718332)
logrotate (3.8.5-1) unstable; urgency=low
* New upstream release
+ Check for both possible orders of script output in tests.
(Closes: #707526)
+ If logrotate state file is corrupted, fail with error.
+ Make logrotate state file creation atomic. (Closes: #707526)
+ Add fsync during log copytruncate and gzip+unlink.
+ Allow 'hourly' rotation.
+ Do not try to parse big (16+ MB) config files.
* Debian patches merged upstream:
- dst.patch
- man-startcount.patch
- man-compressext-576362.patch
- asprintf-fixes.patch
- makefile-test-cleanup.patch
- manpage-hyphens.patch
- acl-nosys-706050.patch
- size-longlong-706460.patch
- timetraveller-704950.patch
logrotate (3.8.3-5) unstable; urgency=low
* New patches:
+ timetraveller-704950.patch: don't complain if the local time has changed
such that the last rotation was in the "future" if the change is less
than 25 hours. This allows for timezone shifts for travellers.
(Closes: #704950) Please note that logrotate should not be relied upon
if you are using a TARDIS.
+ size-longlong-706460.patch: Parse the number in the size/minsize/maxsize
as an unsigned long long instead of just an unsigned long. For those who
like to write their multigigabyte values in bytes. (Closes: #706460)
* Update standards version to 3.9.4. (No changes needed.)
logrotate (3.8.3-4) experimental; urgency=low
* Accommodate cross-building and "nocheck". (Closes: #694835)
* Accommodate ext3 filesystem returning wrong error if ACL is disabled.
(Closes: #706050)
* Replace patches/acl-tests.patch with the ones from upstream SVN, as
patches/rh391-acl-test.patch, rh394-acl-tests.patch, rh397-acl-tests.patch
* Replace patches/configparse.patch with upstream's rh401-tabooextloop.patch
* Imported from upstream SVN:
+ patch/rh390-version.patch: Add --version option.
+ patch/rh392-skip-errors.patch: Fixed bug which prevented skipping
particular log file config if the config contains errors
+ patch/rh393-kilo.patch: Allow both 'k' and 'K' in size.
+ patch/rh395-action-error-skip.patch: Fixed skipping of configs
containing firstaction/lastaction in case of error before these
+ patch/rh396-changes.patch: update to CHANGES file
+ patch/rh398-preremove.patch: new option "preremove"
+ patch/rh399-leakedfds.patch: Close leaked fds
+ patch/rh400-install.patch: Add INSTALL file
+ patch/rh402-selinux-compress-context.patch: set SELinux context before
compressLogFile calls to create compressed log files with proper context
+ patch/rh403-prepostrotate.patch: Call prerotate/postrotate script only
for really rotated files (Closes: #652971)
- patches/sharedscripts-519432.patch: removed
-- Colin Watson <email address hidden> Tue, 29 Oct 2013 08:20:39 -0700