Bug #1369692 “Sleep 2 -- Trust store dbus intf doesn't come fast...” : Bugs : location-service package : Ubuntu

Sleep 2 -- Trust store dbus intf doesn't come fast enough up on start

Bug #1369692 reported by Loïc Minier
This bug affects 1 person
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone
location-service (Ubuntu)
Thomas Voß

Bug Description


when restarting ubuntu-location-service, trust-store agent is restarted but spawns too quickly; this is its upstart snippet:
start on (started dbus and xsession SESSION=ubuntu-touch) or \
    :sys:started JOB=ubuntu-location-service
stop on desktop-end or :sys:stopping JOB=ubuntu-location-service

Currently, there's a sleep 2 to let some time to the service to come up, but we should get rid of it by making location-service listen on that immediately.


Loïc Minier (lool)
Changed in location-service (Ubuntu):
assignee: nobody → Thomas Voß (thomas-voss)
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