lm-batmon (0.96-4) unstable; urgency=low
* debian/control: Fix package description typo. Patched by Florian
Zumbiehl <email address hidden>. (Closes: #277253)
* debian/apm_info.c.patch: Add support ACPI support. Patched by
Christian Garbs <email address hidden>. (Closes: #270520)
* debian/apm_info.c.patch: Add trying both BAT0 and BATA pathname.
* debian/dirs: All binaries and manual pages are moved from /usr/X11R6
to /usr standards directories.
* debian/rules: Likewise.
* debian/menu: Likewise.
* debian/lm_batmon.1: Renamed from debian/lm_batmon.1x.
* debian/rules: Likewise.
* debian/copyright: Update upstream URL.
* debian/control: Update Standards-Version.
* debian/compat: Added.
-- Ubuntu Archive Auto-Sync <email address hidden> Thu, 15 Jun 2006 14:56:32 +0100