Missing fuse deb package when trying to preseed snaps

Bug #1931537 reported by Thomas Bechtold
This bug affects 1 person
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone
livecd-rootfs (Ubuntu)

Bug Description

I tried to build an arm64 image on AWS (with ubuntu-bartender):

./scripts/ubuntu-bartender/ubuntu-bartender --no-cleanup --build-provider aws --aws-arm-build --aws-instance-type m6g.xlarge --hook-extras-dir ~/devel/canonical/cloudware/cpc_packaging.extra/ --livecd-rootfs-dir /home/tom/devel/livecd-rootfs/ -- --series focal --project ubuntu-cpc --minimized --image-target ec2

The build fails with:
+ snap_validate_seed /tmp/tmp.9FX9CNOMhi
+ local CHROOT_ROOT=/tmp/tmp.9FX9CNOMhi
+ '[' -e /tmp/tmp.9FX9CNOMhi/var/lib/snapd/seed/seed.yaml ']'
+ snap debug validate-seed /tmp/tmp.9FX9CNOMhi/var/lib/snapd/seed/seed.yaml
++ realpath /tmp/tmp.9FX9CNOMhi
+ /usr/lib/snapd/snap-preseed --reset /tmp/tmp.9FX9CNOMhi
++ realpath /tmp/tmp.9FX9CNOMhi
+ /usr/lib/snapd/snap-preseed /tmp/tmp.9FX9CNOMhi
error: cannot mount /var/lib/snapd/seed/snaps/snapd_11843.snap at /tmp/snapd-preseed in preseed mode: exit status 32

So snap-preseed can't mount the snap. Trying to do that manually (from within the chroot) also fails:
# mount -t fuse.snapfuse -o ro,x-gdu.hide,x-gvfs-hide /var/lib/snapd/seed/snaps/snapd_11843.snap /mnt
mount: /mnt: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /var/lib/snapd/seed/snaps/snapd_11843.snap, missing codepage or helper program, or other error.

The reason is, that the fuse .deb package is not installed. Installing that package into the chroot solves the problem.

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