I've traced the problem to a kernel or hardware issue (hid-magicmouse module).
After stopping Xorg, and using just a virtual terminal, I paired the device manually and ran evtest. Same problem running just evtest and no X or Unity. The evtest event stream freezes for a little while if I touch 3 or more fingers at once.
It's also possible my cheap Bluetooth dongle is to blame so I've ordered a new one to try. But I suspect the problem is a kernel bug, in the hid-magicmouse module.
I've traced the problem to a kernel or hardware issue (hid-magicmouse module).
After stopping Xorg, and using just a virtual terminal, I paired the device manually and ran evtest. Same problem running just evtest and no X or Unity. The evtest event stream freezes for a little while if I touch 3 or more fingers at once.
It's also possible my cheap Bluetooth dongle is to blame so I've ordered a new one to try. But I suspect the problem is a kernel bug, in the hid-magicmouse module.