Broadcom 5788 ethernet card is not currently supported in 9.10. This ethernet card is going to be included with some upcoming platforms from OEMs. Support is already in 2.6.32.
Here is the commit for 2.6.32 that adds support. It's just adding the ID to the driver:
Broadcom 5788 ethernet card is not currently supported in 9.10. This ethernet card is going to be included with some upcoming platforms from OEMs. Support is already in 2.6.32.
Here is the commit for 2.6.32 that adds support. It's just adding the ID to the driver:
http:// git.kernel. org/?p= linux/kernel/ git/torvalds/ linux-2. 6.git;a= commit; h=5e7ccf2003e6a 9c35b5aa24953ba 5009a1a8b653