Andy, thanks for taking these. All these changes passed our tests except for TRIM.
It looks like we'll need to take a closer look at how to fix TRIM upstream. We probably will not get that upstream before kernel freeze. Do you think it be possible to re-base your original patch to re-enable SPC-3 in Hyper-V so that we don't regress this feature (;a=commit;h=ff2c5fa3fa9adf0b919b9425e71a8ba044c31a7d)?
Andy, thanks for taking these. All these changes passed our tests except for TRIM.
It looks like we'll need to take a closer look at how to fix TRIM upstream. We probably will not get that upstream before kernel freeze. Do you think it be possible to re-base your original patch to re-enable SPC-3 in Hyper-V so that we don't regress this feature (http:// kernel. ubuntu. com/git? p=ubuntu/ ubuntu- trusty. git;a=commit; h=ff2c5fa3fa9ad f0b919b9425e71a 8ba044c31a7d)?