Couple of things. We get ext3 on these filesystems because that is what Rackspace gives us. I have a hunch that if OpenStack (nova) were to change its default fs to ext4 that in a week and a half we would start seeing that in the nodes Rackspace gives us. But the first iteration of that change got reverted so it will need to be sorted. 3.2 is a bit old but we recently tried 3.11 (using the saucy precise kernel backport) and that didn't fix the problem according to the comments above.
I do have a change ( that will mount the ext3 filesystems we are given as ext4. We can see if that will help. But really we have the ability to fix these problems as an upstream, we should take advantage of that.
Couple of things. We get ext3 on these filesystems because that is what Rackspace gives us. I have a hunch that if OpenStack (nova) were to change its default fs to ext4 that in a week and a half we would start seeing that in the nodes Rackspace gives us. But the first iteration of that change got reverted so it will need to be sorted. 3.2 is a bit old but we recently tried 3.11 (using the saucy precise kernel backport) and that didn't fix the problem according to the comments above.
I do have a change (https:/ /review. openstack. org/70283) that will mount the ext3 filesystems we are given as ext4. We can see if that will help. But really we have the ability to fix these problems as an upstream, we should take advantage of that.