Activity log for bug #97675

Date Who What changed Old value New value Message
2007-03-29 01:55:47 Ryan bug added bug
2007-03-29 01:59:24 Ryan bug added attachment 'syslog' (/var/log/syslog)
2007-03-29 02:00:13 Ryan bug added attachment 'partman' (/var/log/partman:)
2007-03-29 08:49:05 Colin Watson ubiquity: status Unconfirmed Confirmed
2007-03-29 08:49:05 Colin Watson ubiquity: statusexplanation Exit code 139 is a segmentation fault; in this particular context, that basically means that there's been a problem reading from the CD, and the squashfs errors in your logs support that theory. This is generally due to a faulty CD/DVD disk or drive, rather than being an installer bug as such. It may help to clean the CD/DVD, to burn the CD/DVD at a lower speed, or to clean the CD/DVD drive lens (cleaning kits are often available from electronics suppliers). That said, there's a kernel oops in this syslog, which the kernel team should look at.
2007-03-29 15:43:18 Tim Gardner linux-source-2.6.17: status Confirmed Rejected
2007-03-29 15:43:18 Tim Gardner linux-source-2.6.17: statusexplanation Exit code 139 is a segmentation fault; in this particular context, that basically means that there's been a problem reading from the CD, and the squashfs errors in your logs support that theory. This is generally due to a faulty CD/DVD disk or drive, rather than being an installer bug as such. It may help to clean the CD/DVD, to burn the CD/DVD at a lower speed, or to clean the CD/DVD drive lens (cleaning kits are often available from electronics suppliers). That said, there's a kernel oops in this syslog, which the kernel team should look at.