2016-01-16 06:23:01 |
Steve Beattie |
bug |
added bug |
2016-01-16 06:30:39 |
Steve Beattie |
nominated for series |
Ubuntu Trusty |
2016-01-16 06:30:40 |
Steve Beattie |
bug task added |
linux (Ubuntu Trusty) |
2016-01-16 06:30:40 |
Steve Beattie |
bug task added |
linux-armadaxp (Ubuntu Trusty) |
2016-01-16 06:30:40 |
Steve Beattie |
bug task added |
linux-lts-quantal (Ubuntu Trusty) |
2016-01-16 06:30:40 |
Steve Beattie |
bug task added |
linux-lts-saucy (Ubuntu Trusty) |
2016-01-16 06:30:40 |
Steve Beattie |
bug task added |
linux-goldfish (Ubuntu Trusty) |
2016-01-16 06:30:40 |
Steve Beattie |
bug task added |
linux-flo (Ubuntu Trusty) |
2016-01-16 06:30:40 |
Steve Beattie |
bug task added |
linux-lts-trusty (Ubuntu Trusty) |
2016-01-16 06:30:40 |
Steve Beattie |
bug task added |
linux-lts-vivid (Ubuntu Trusty) |
2016-01-16 06:30:40 |
Steve Beattie |
bug task added |
linux-lts-wily (Ubuntu Trusty) |
2016-01-16 06:30:40 |
Steve Beattie |
bug task added |
linux-raspi2 (Ubuntu Trusty) |
2016-01-16 06:30:43 |
Steve Beattie |
nominated for series |
Ubuntu Vivid |
2016-01-16 06:30:45 |
Steve Beattie |
bug task added |
linux (Ubuntu Vivid) |
2016-01-16 06:30:45 |
Steve Beattie |
bug task added |
linux-armadaxp (Ubuntu Vivid) |
2016-01-16 06:30:45 |
Steve Beattie |
bug task added |
linux-lts-quantal (Ubuntu Vivid) |
2016-01-16 06:30:45 |
Steve Beattie |
bug task added |
linux-lts-saucy (Ubuntu Vivid) |
2016-01-16 06:30:45 |
Steve Beattie |
bug task added |
linux-goldfish (Ubuntu Vivid) |
2016-01-16 06:30:45 |
Steve Beattie |
bug task added |
linux-flo (Ubuntu Vivid) |
2016-01-16 06:30:45 |
Steve Beattie |
bug task added |
linux-lts-trusty (Ubuntu Vivid) |
2016-01-16 06:30:45 |
Steve Beattie |
bug task added |
linux-lts-vivid (Ubuntu Vivid) |
2016-01-16 06:30:45 |
Steve Beattie |
bug task added |
linux-lts-wily (Ubuntu Vivid) |
2016-01-16 06:30:45 |
Steve Beattie |
bug task added |
linux-raspi2 (Ubuntu Vivid) |
2016-01-16 06:30:49 |
Steve Beattie |
nominated for series |
Ubuntu Wily |
2016-01-16 06:30:50 |
Steve Beattie |
bug task added |
linux (Ubuntu Wily) |
2016-01-16 06:30:50 |
Steve Beattie |
bug task added |
linux-armadaxp (Ubuntu Wily) |
2016-01-16 06:30:50 |
Steve Beattie |
bug task added |
linux-lts-quantal (Ubuntu Wily) |
2016-01-16 06:30:50 |
Steve Beattie |
bug task added |
linux-lts-saucy (Ubuntu Wily) |
2016-01-16 06:30:50 |
Steve Beattie |
bug task added |
linux-goldfish (Ubuntu Wily) |
2016-01-16 06:30:50 |
Steve Beattie |
bug task added |
linux-flo (Ubuntu Wily) |
2016-01-16 06:30:50 |
Steve Beattie |
bug task added |
linux-lts-trusty (Ubuntu Wily) |
2016-01-16 06:30:50 |
Steve Beattie |
bug task added |
linux-lts-vivid (Ubuntu Wily) |
2016-01-16 06:30:50 |
Steve Beattie |
bug task added |
linux-lts-wily (Ubuntu Wily) |
2016-01-16 06:30:50 |
Steve Beattie |
bug task added |
linux-raspi2 (Ubuntu Wily) |
2016-01-16 06:30:54 |
Steve Beattie |
nominated for series |
Ubuntu Xenial |
2016-01-16 06:30:55 |
Steve Beattie |
bug task added |
linux (Ubuntu Xenial) |
2016-01-16 06:30:55 |
Steve Beattie |
bug task added |
linux-armadaxp (Ubuntu Xenial) |
2016-01-16 06:30:55 |
Steve Beattie |
bug task added |
linux-lts-quantal (Ubuntu Xenial) |
2016-01-16 06:30:55 |
Steve Beattie |
bug task added |
linux-lts-saucy (Ubuntu Xenial) |
2016-01-16 06:30:55 |
Steve Beattie |
bug task added |
linux-goldfish (Ubuntu Xenial) |
2016-01-16 06:30:55 |
Steve Beattie |
bug task added |
linux-flo (Ubuntu Xenial) |
2016-01-16 06:30:55 |
Steve Beattie |
bug task added |
linux-lts-trusty (Ubuntu Xenial) |
2016-01-16 06:30:55 |
Steve Beattie |
bug task added |
linux-lts-vivid (Ubuntu Xenial) |
2016-01-16 06:30:55 |
Steve Beattie |
bug task added |
linux-lts-wily (Ubuntu Xenial) |
2016-01-16 06:30:55 |
Steve Beattie |
bug task added |
linux-raspi2 (Ubuntu Xenial) |
2016-01-16 06:31:09 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-lts-trusty (Ubuntu Wily): status |
New |
Invalid |
2016-01-16 06:31:10 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-lts-trusty (Ubuntu Wily): importance |
Undecided |
High |
2016-01-16 06:31:13 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-lts-trusty (Ubuntu Xenial): status |
New |
Invalid |
2016-01-16 06:31:16 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-lts-trusty (Ubuntu Xenial): importance |
Undecided |
High |
2016-01-16 06:31:18 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-lts-trusty (Ubuntu Trusty): status |
New |
Invalid |
2016-01-16 06:31:20 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-lts-trusty (Ubuntu Trusty): importance |
Undecided |
High |
2016-01-16 06:31:22 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-lts-trusty (Ubuntu Vivid): status |
New |
Invalid |
2016-01-16 06:31:24 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-lts-trusty (Ubuntu Vivid): importance |
Undecided |
High |
2016-01-16 06:31:26 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-lts-wily (Ubuntu Wily): status |
New |
Invalid |
2016-01-16 06:31:29 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-lts-wily (Ubuntu Wily): importance |
Undecided |
High |
2016-01-16 06:31:30 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-lts-wily (Ubuntu Xenial): status |
New |
Invalid |
2016-01-16 06:31:32 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-lts-wily (Ubuntu Xenial): importance |
Undecided |
High |
2016-01-16 06:31:34 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-lts-wily (Ubuntu Trusty): importance |
Undecided |
High |
2016-01-16 06:31:35 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-lts-wily (Ubuntu Vivid): status |
New |
Invalid |
2016-01-16 06:31:37 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-lts-wily (Ubuntu Vivid): importance |
Undecided |
High |
2016-01-16 06:31:40 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-lts-quantal (Ubuntu Wily): status |
New |
Invalid |
2016-01-16 06:31:42 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-lts-quantal (Ubuntu Wily): importance |
Undecided |
High |
2016-01-16 06:31:43 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-lts-quantal (Ubuntu Xenial): status |
New |
Invalid |
2016-01-16 06:31:45 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-lts-quantal (Ubuntu Xenial): importance |
Undecided |
High |
2016-01-16 06:31:47 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-lts-quantal (Ubuntu Trusty): status |
New |
Invalid |
2016-01-16 06:31:49 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-lts-quantal (Ubuntu Trusty): importance |
Undecided |
High |
2016-01-16 06:31:50 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-lts-quantal (Ubuntu Vivid): status |
New |
Invalid |
2016-01-16 06:31:52 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-lts-quantal (Ubuntu Vivid): importance |
Undecided |
High |
2016-01-16 06:31:54 |
Steve Beattie |
linux (Ubuntu Wily): importance |
Undecided |
High |
2016-01-16 06:31:56 |
Steve Beattie |
linux (Ubuntu Xenial): importance |
Undecided |
High |
2016-01-16 06:31:58 |
Steve Beattie |
linux (Ubuntu Trusty): importance |
Undecided |
High |
2016-01-16 06:32:00 |
Steve Beattie |
linux (Ubuntu Vivid): importance |
Undecided |
High |
2016-01-16 06:32:01 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-ti-omap4 (Ubuntu Wily): status |
New |
Invalid |
2016-01-16 06:32:04 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-ti-omap4 (Ubuntu Wily): importance |
Undecided |
High |
2016-01-16 06:32:06 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-ti-omap4 (Ubuntu Xenial): status |
New |
Invalid |
2016-01-16 06:32:08 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-ti-omap4 (Ubuntu Xenial): importance |
Undecided |
High |
2016-01-16 06:32:10 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-ti-omap4 (Ubuntu Trusty): status |
New |
Invalid |
2016-01-16 06:32:12 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-ti-omap4 (Ubuntu Trusty): importance |
Undecided |
High |
2016-01-16 06:32:14 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-ti-omap4 (Ubuntu Vivid): status |
New |
Invalid |
2016-01-16 06:32:17 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-ti-omap4 (Ubuntu Vivid): importance |
Undecided |
High |
2016-01-16 06:32:19 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-lts-raring (Ubuntu Wily): status |
New |
Invalid |
2016-01-16 06:32:22 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-lts-raring (Ubuntu Wily): importance |
Undecided |
High |
2016-01-16 06:32:23 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-lts-raring (Ubuntu Xenial): status |
New |
Invalid |
2016-01-16 06:32:25 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-lts-raring (Ubuntu Xenial): importance |
Undecided |
High |
2016-01-16 06:32:27 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-lts-raring (Ubuntu Trusty): status |
New |
Invalid |
2016-01-16 06:32:29 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-lts-raring (Ubuntu Trusty): importance |
Undecided |
High |
2016-01-16 06:32:30 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-lts-raring (Ubuntu Vivid): status |
New |
Invalid |
2016-01-16 06:32:33 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-lts-raring (Ubuntu Vivid): importance |
Undecided |
High |
2016-01-16 06:32:34 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-armadaxp (Ubuntu Wily): status |
New |
Invalid |
2016-01-16 06:32:37 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-armadaxp (Ubuntu Wily): importance |
Undecided |
High |
2016-01-16 06:32:38 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-armadaxp (Ubuntu Xenial): status |
New |
Invalid |
2016-01-16 06:32:40 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-armadaxp (Ubuntu Xenial): importance |
Undecided |
High |
2016-01-16 06:32:42 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-armadaxp (Ubuntu Trusty): status |
New |
Invalid |
2016-01-16 06:32:44 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-armadaxp (Ubuntu Trusty): importance |
Undecided |
High |
2016-01-16 06:32:45 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-armadaxp (Ubuntu Vivid): status |
New |
Invalid |
2016-01-16 06:32:48 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-armadaxp (Ubuntu Vivid): importance |
Undecided |
High |
2016-01-16 06:32:50 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-lts-saucy (Ubuntu Wily): status |
New |
Invalid |
2016-01-16 06:32:52 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-lts-saucy (Ubuntu Wily): importance |
Undecided |
High |
2016-01-16 06:32:54 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-lts-saucy (Ubuntu Xenial): status |
New |
Invalid |
2016-01-16 06:32:56 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-lts-saucy (Ubuntu Xenial): importance |
Undecided |
High |
2016-01-16 06:32:58 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-lts-saucy (Ubuntu Trusty): status |
New |
Invalid |
2016-01-16 06:33:00 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-lts-saucy (Ubuntu Trusty): importance |
Undecided |
High |
2016-01-16 06:33:02 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-lts-saucy (Ubuntu Vivid): status |
New |
Invalid |
2016-01-16 06:33:05 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-lts-saucy (Ubuntu Vivid): importance |
Undecided |
High |
2016-01-16 06:33:07 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-manta (Ubuntu Wily): importance |
Undecided |
High |
2016-01-16 06:33:09 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-manta (Ubuntu Xenial): importance |
Undecided |
High |
2016-01-16 06:33:11 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-manta (Ubuntu Trusty): status |
New |
Invalid |
2016-01-16 06:33:12 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-manta (Ubuntu Trusty): importance |
Undecided |
High |
2016-01-16 06:33:14 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-manta (Ubuntu Vivid): importance |
Undecided |
High |
2016-01-16 06:33:17 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-lts-vivid (Ubuntu Wily): status |
New |
Invalid |
2016-01-16 06:33:19 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-lts-vivid (Ubuntu Wily): importance |
Undecided |
High |
2016-01-16 06:33:20 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-lts-vivid (Ubuntu Xenial): status |
New |
Invalid |
2016-01-16 06:33:23 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-lts-vivid (Ubuntu Xenial): importance |
Undecided |
High |
2016-01-16 06:33:24 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-lts-vivid (Ubuntu Trusty): importance |
Undecided |
High |
2016-01-16 06:33:26 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-lts-vivid (Ubuntu Vivid): status |
New |
Invalid |
2016-01-16 06:33:28 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-lts-vivid (Ubuntu Vivid): importance |
Undecided |
High |
2016-01-16 06:33:30 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-raspi2 (Ubuntu Wily): importance |
Undecided |
High |
2016-01-16 06:33:32 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-raspi2 (Ubuntu Xenial): importance |
Undecided |
High |
2016-01-16 06:33:34 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-raspi2 (Ubuntu Trusty): status |
New |
Invalid |
2016-01-16 06:33:36 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-raspi2 (Ubuntu Trusty): importance |
Undecided |
High |
2016-01-16 06:33:38 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-raspi2 (Ubuntu Vivid): status |
New |
Invalid |
2016-01-16 06:33:40 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-raspi2 (Ubuntu Vivid): importance |
Undecided |
High |
2016-01-16 06:33:42 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-mako (Ubuntu Wily): importance |
Undecided |
High |
2016-01-16 06:33:44 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-mako (Ubuntu Xenial): importance |
Undecided |
High |
2016-01-16 06:33:45 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-mako (Ubuntu Trusty): status |
New |
Invalid |
2016-01-16 06:33:47 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-mako (Ubuntu Trusty): importance |
Undecided |
High |
2016-01-16 06:33:49 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-mako (Ubuntu Vivid): importance |
Undecided |
High |
2016-01-16 06:33:51 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-lts-utopic (Ubuntu Wily): status |
New |
Invalid |
2016-01-16 06:33:53 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-lts-utopic (Ubuntu Wily): importance |
Undecided |
High |
2016-01-16 06:33:54 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-lts-utopic (Ubuntu Xenial): status |
New |
Invalid |
2016-01-16 06:33:56 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-lts-utopic (Ubuntu Xenial): importance |
Undecided |
High |
2016-01-16 06:33:58 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-lts-utopic (Ubuntu Trusty): importance |
Undecided |
High |
2016-01-16 06:34:00 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-lts-utopic (Ubuntu Vivid): status |
New |
Invalid |
2016-01-16 06:34:03 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-lts-utopic (Ubuntu Vivid): importance |
Undecided |
High |
2016-01-16 06:34:05 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-goldfish (Ubuntu Wily): importance |
Undecided |
High |
2016-01-16 06:34:07 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-goldfish (Ubuntu Xenial): importance |
Undecided |
High |
2016-01-16 06:34:09 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-goldfish (Ubuntu Trusty): status |
New |
Invalid |
2016-01-16 06:34:11 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-goldfish (Ubuntu Trusty): importance |
Undecided |
High |
2016-01-16 06:34:12 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-goldfish (Ubuntu Vivid): importance |
Undecided |
High |
2016-01-16 06:34:14 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-flo (Ubuntu Wily): importance |
Undecided |
High |
2016-01-16 06:34:16 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-flo (Ubuntu Xenial): importance |
Undecided |
High |
2016-01-16 06:34:18 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-flo (Ubuntu Trusty): status |
New |
Invalid |
2016-01-16 06:34:20 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-flo (Ubuntu Trusty): importance |
Undecided |
High |
2016-01-16 06:34:22 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-flo (Ubuntu Vivid): importance |
Undecided |
High |
2016-01-16 06:34:24 |
Steve Beattie |
description |
This is a placeholder bug for an embargoed security issue |
Placeholder text |
2016-01-16 06:36:28 |
Steve Beattie |
nominated for series |
Ubuntu Precise |
2016-01-16 06:36:30 |
Steve Beattie |
bug task added |
linux (Ubuntu Precise) |
2016-01-16 06:36:30 |
Steve Beattie |
bug task added |
linux-ti-omap4 (Ubuntu Precise) |
2016-01-16 06:36:30 |
Steve Beattie |
bug task added |
linux-armadaxp (Ubuntu Precise) |
2016-01-16 06:36:30 |
Steve Beattie |
bug task added |
linux-lts-quantal (Ubuntu Precise) |
2016-01-16 06:36:30 |
Steve Beattie |
bug task added |
linux-lts-raring (Ubuntu Precise) |
2016-01-16 06:36:30 |
Steve Beattie |
bug task added |
linux-lts-saucy (Ubuntu Precise) |
2016-01-16 06:36:30 |
Steve Beattie |
bug task added |
linux-mako (Ubuntu Precise) |
2016-01-16 06:36:30 |
Steve Beattie |
bug task added |
linux-manta (Ubuntu Precise) |
2016-01-16 06:36:30 |
Steve Beattie |
bug task added |
linux-goldfish (Ubuntu Precise) |
2016-01-16 06:36:30 |
Steve Beattie |
bug task added |
linux-flo (Ubuntu Precise) |
2016-01-16 06:36:30 |
Steve Beattie |
bug task added |
linux-lts-trusty (Ubuntu Precise) |
2016-01-16 06:36:30 |
Steve Beattie |
bug task added |
linux-lts-utopic (Ubuntu Precise) |
2016-01-16 06:36:30 |
Steve Beattie |
bug task added |
linux-lts-vivid (Ubuntu Precise) |
2016-01-16 06:36:30 |
Steve Beattie |
bug task added |
linux-lts-wily (Ubuntu Precise) |
2016-01-16 06:36:30 |
Steve Beattie |
bug task added |
linux-raspi2 (Ubuntu Precise) |
2016-01-16 06:36:36 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-lts-trusty (Ubuntu Precise): importance |
Undecided |
High |
2016-01-16 06:36:38 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-lts-wily (Ubuntu Precise): status |
New |
Invalid |
2016-01-16 06:36:39 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-lts-wily (Ubuntu Precise): importance |
Undecided |
High |
2016-01-16 06:36:42 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-lts-quantal (Ubuntu Precise): status |
New |
Invalid |
2016-01-16 06:36:44 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-lts-quantal (Ubuntu Precise): importance |
Undecided |
High |
2016-01-16 06:36:46 |
Steve Beattie |
linux (Ubuntu Precise): status |
New |
Invalid |
2016-01-16 06:36:48 |
Steve Beattie |
linux (Ubuntu Precise): importance |
Undecided |
High |
2016-01-16 06:36:50 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-ti-omap4 (Ubuntu Precise): importance |
Undecided |
High |
2016-01-16 06:36:52 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-lts-raring (Ubuntu Precise): status |
New |
Invalid |
2016-01-16 06:36:54 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-lts-raring (Ubuntu Precise): importance |
Undecided |
High |
2016-01-16 06:36:56 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-armadaxp (Ubuntu Precise): importance |
Undecided |
High |
2016-01-16 06:36:58 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-lts-saucy (Ubuntu Precise): status |
New |
Invalid |
2016-01-16 06:37:00 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-lts-saucy (Ubuntu Precise): importance |
Undecided |
High |
2016-01-16 06:37:02 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-manta (Ubuntu Precise): status |
New |
Invalid |
2016-01-16 06:37:05 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-manta (Ubuntu Precise): importance |
Undecided |
High |
2016-01-16 06:37:08 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-lts-vivid (Ubuntu Precise): status |
New |
Invalid |
2016-01-16 06:37:10 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-lts-vivid (Ubuntu Precise): importance |
Undecided |
High |
2016-01-16 06:37:12 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-raspi2 (Ubuntu Precise): status |
New |
Invalid |
2016-01-16 06:37:14 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-raspi2 (Ubuntu Precise): importance |
Undecided |
High |
2016-01-16 06:37:17 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-mako (Ubuntu Precise): status |
New |
Invalid |
2016-01-16 06:37:20 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-mako (Ubuntu Precise): importance |
Undecided |
High |
2016-01-16 06:37:21 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-lts-utopic (Ubuntu Precise): status |
New |
Invalid |
2016-01-16 06:37:24 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-lts-utopic (Ubuntu Precise): importance |
Undecided |
High |
2016-01-16 06:37:26 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-goldfish (Ubuntu Precise): status |
New |
Invalid |
2016-01-16 06:37:29 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-goldfish (Ubuntu Precise): importance |
Undecided |
High |
2016-01-16 06:37:30 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-flo (Ubuntu Precise): status |
New |
Invalid |
2016-01-16 06:37:32 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-flo (Ubuntu Precise): importance |
Undecided |
High |
2016-01-16 06:37:34 |
Steve Beattie |
description |
Placeholder text |
kernel keyring bad reference count leads to use-after-free, possibly resulting in arbitrary code execution in the kernel. |
2016-01-16 06:40:38 |
Steve Beattie |
summary |
placeholder |
CVE-2016-0728 |
2016-01-19 12:45:16 |
Steve Beattie |
information type |
Private Security |
Public Security |
2016-01-19 13:00:12 |
Brad Figg |
linux (Ubuntu): status |
New |
Incomplete |
2016-01-19 13:00:18 |
Brad Figg |
linux (Ubuntu Trusty): status |
New |
Incomplete |
2016-01-19 13:00:21 |
Brad Figg |
linux (Ubuntu Vivid): status |
New |
Incomplete |
2016-01-19 13:00:25 |
Brad Figg |
linux (Ubuntu Wily): status |
New |
Incomplete |
2016-01-19 15:15:50 |
Launchpad Janitor |
linux (Ubuntu Wily): status |
Incomplete |
Fix Released |
2016-01-19 15:15:50 |
Launchpad Janitor |
cve linked |
2016-0728 |
2016-01-19 15:15:50 |
Launchpad Janitor |
linux (Ubuntu Wily): status |
Incomplete |
Fix Released |
2016-01-19 15:16:08 |
Launchpad Janitor |
linux (Ubuntu Vivid): status |
Incomplete |
Fix Released |
2016-01-19 15:16:15 |
Launchpad Janitor |
linux (Ubuntu Vivid): status |
Incomplete |
Fix Released |
2016-01-19 15:16:33 |
Launchpad Janitor |
linux (Ubuntu Trusty): status |
Incomplete |
Fix Released |
2016-01-19 15:16:33 |
Launchpad Janitor |
linux (Ubuntu Trusty): status |
Incomplete |
Fix Released |
2016-01-19 15:17:04 |
Launchpad Janitor |
linux-lts-wily (Ubuntu Trusty): status |
New |
Fix Released |
2016-01-19 15:17:04 |
Launchpad Janitor |
linux-lts-wily (Ubuntu Trusty): status |
New |
Fix Released |
2016-01-19 15:17:23 |
Launchpad Janitor |
linux-lts-vivid (Ubuntu Trusty): status |
New |
Fix Released |
2016-01-19 15:17:24 |
Launchpad Janitor |
linux-lts-vivid (Ubuntu Trusty): status |
New |
Fix Released |
2016-01-19 15:17:45 |
Launchpad Janitor |
linux-lts-utopic (Ubuntu Trusty): status |
New |
Fix Released |
2016-01-19 15:17:47 |
Launchpad Janitor |
linux-lts-utopic (Ubuntu Trusty): status |
New |
Fix Released |
2016-01-19 15:19:54 |
Launchpad Janitor |
linux-raspi2 (Ubuntu Wily): status |
New |
Fix Released |
2016-01-19 15:19:53 |
Launchpad Janitor |
linux-raspi2 (Ubuntu Wily): status |
New |
Fix Released |
2016-01-19 16:19:31 |
Adam Conrad |
linux-armadaxp (Ubuntu Precise): status |
New |
Invalid |
2016-01-19 16:20:02 |
Adam Conrad |
linux-ti-omap4 (Ubuntu Precise): status |
New |
Invalid |
2016-01-19 18:04:12 |
Chris Read |
bug |
added subscriber Chris Read |
2016-01-19 19:31:00 |
Launchpad Janitor |
linux-lts-trusty (Ubuntu Precise): status |
New |
Fix Released |
2016-01-19 19:31:00 |
Launchpad Janitor |
linux-lts-trusty (Ubuntu Precise): status |
New |
Fix Released |
2016-01-20 03:35:48 |
Willem Vermin |
bug |
added subscriber Willem Vermin |
2016-01-20 19:33:08 |
Steve Beattie |
tags |
kernel-cve-tracking-bug |
2016-01-21 14:53:54 |
Launchpad Janitor |
linux (Ubuntu Xenial): status |
Incomplete |
Fix Released |
2016-01-22 22:50:40 |
Steve Beattie |
description |
kernel keyring bad reference count leads to use-after-free, possibly resulting in arbitrary code execution in the kernel. |
kernel keyring bad reference count leads to use-after-free, possibly resulting in arbitrary code execution in the kernel.
Break-Fix: 3a50597de8635cd05133bd12c95681c82fe7b878 - |
2016-01-25 19:37:12 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-manta (Ubuntu Vivid): status |
New |
Invalid |
2016-01-25 19:37:15 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-raspi2 (Ubuntu Xenial): status |
New |
Invalid |
2016-01-25 19:37:17 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-mako (Ubuntu Vivid): status |
New |
Invalid |
2016-01-25 19:37:20 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-goldfish (Ubuntu Vivid): status |
New |
Invalid |
2016-01-25 19:37:23 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-flo (Ubuntu Vivid): status |
New |
Invalid |
2016-01-25 19:37:26 |
Steve Beattie |
description |
kernel keyring bad reference count leads to use-after-free, possibly resulting in arbitrary code execution in the kernel.
Break-Fix: 3a50597de8635cd05133bd12c95681c82fe7b878 - |
kernel keyring bad reference count leads to use-after-free, possibly resulting in arbitrary code execution in the kernel.
Break-Fix: 3a50597de8635cd05133bd12c95681c82fe7b878 23567fd052a9abb6d67fe8e7a9ccdd9800a540f2 |
2016-02-10 21:43:06 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-raspi2 (Ubuntu Xenial): status |
Invalid |
Fix Committed |
2016-02-10 21:43:11 |
Steve Beattie |
description |
kernel keyring bad reference count leads to use-after-free, possibly resulting in arbitrary code execution in the kernel.
Break-Fix: 3a50597de8635cd05133bd12c95681c82fe7b878 23567fd052a9abb6d67fe8e7a9ccdd9800a540f2 |
The join_session_keyring function in security/keys/process_keys.c in the Linux kernel before 4.4.1 mishandles object references in a certain error case, which allows local users to gain privileges or cause a denial of service (integer overflow and use-after-free) via crafted keyctl commands.
Break-Fix: 3a50597de8635cd05133bd12c95681c82fe7b878 23567fd052a9abb6d67fe8e7a9ccdd9800a540f2 |
2016-02-11 00:42:27 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-lts-xenial (Ubuntu Precise): status |
New |
Invalid |
2016-02-11 00:42:30 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-lts-xenial (Ubuntu Precise): importance |
Undecided |
High |
2016-02-11 00:42:32 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-lts-xenial (Ubuntu Wily): status |
New |
Invalid |
2016-02-11 00:42:35 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-lts-xenial (Ubuntu Wily): importance |
Undecided |
High |
2016-02-11 00:42:39 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-lts-xenial (Ubuntu Xenial): status |
New |
Invalid |
2016-02-11 00:42:43 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-lts-xenial (Ubuntu Xenial): importance |
Undecided |
High |
2016-02-11 00:42:45 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-lts-xenial (Ubuntu Trusty): status |
New |
Fix Committed |
2016-02-11 00:42:47 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-lts-xenial (Ubuntu Trusty): importance |
Undecided |
High |
2016-02-24 12:42:53 |
Launchpad Janitor |
branch linked |
lp:ubuntu/trusty-security/linux-lts-vivid |
2016-02-24 12:44:17 |
Launchpad Janitor |
branch linked |
lp:ubuntu/trusty-proposed/linux-lts-vivid |
2016-02-24 13:04:36 |
Launchpad Janitor |
branch linked |
lp:~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/trusty/linux-lts-wily/trusty-security |
2016-02-24 13:07:51 |
Launchpad Janitor |
branch linked |
lp:~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/trusty/linux-lts-wily/trusty-proposed |
2016-04-19 10:33:55 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-manta (Ubuntu Xenial): status |
New |
Invalid |
2016-04-27 17:44:54 |
Steve Beattie |
nominated for series |
Ubuntu Yakkety |
2016-04-27 17:44:55 |
Steve Beattie |
bug task added |
linux (Ubuntu Yakkety) |
2016-04-27 17:44:55 |
Steve Beattie |
bug task added |
linux-ti-omap4 (Ubuntu Yakkety) |
2016-04-27 17:44:55 |
Steve Beattie |
bug task added |
linux-armadaxp (Ubuntu Yakkety) |
2016-04-27 17:44:55 |
Steve Beattie |
bug task added |
linux-lts-quantal (Ubuntu Yakkety) |
2016-04-27 17:44:55 |
Steve Beattie |
bug task added |
linux-lts-raring (Ubuntu Yakkety) |
2016-04-27 17:44:55 |
Steve Beattie |
bug task added |
linux-lts-saucy (Ubuntu Yakkety) |
2016-04-27 17:44:55 |
Steve Beattie |
bug task added |
linux-mako (Ubuntu Yakkety) |
2016-04-27 17:44:55 |
Steve Beattie |
bug task added |
linux-manta (Ubuntu Yakkety) |
2016-04-27 17:44:55 |
Steve Beattie |
bug task added |
linux-goldfish (Ubuntu Yakkety) |
2016-04-27 17:44:55 |
Steve Beattie |
bug task added |
linux-flo (Ubuntu Yakkety) |
2016-04-27 17:44:55 |
Steve Beattie |
bug task added |
linux-lts-trusty (Ubuntu Yakkety) |
2016-04-27 17:44:55 |
Steve Beattie |
bug task added |
linux-lts-utopic (Ubuntu Yakkety) |
2016-04-27 17:44:55 |
Steve Beattie |
bug task added |
linux-lts-vivid (Ubuntu Yakkety) |
2016-04-27 17:44:55 |
Steve Beattie |
bug task added |
linux-lts-wily (Ubuntu Yakkety) |
2016-04-27 17:44:55 |
Steve Beattie |
bug task added |
linux-raspi2 (Ubuntu Yakkety) |
2016-04-27 17:44:55 |
Steve Beattie |
bug task added |
linux-lts-xenial (Ubuntu Yakkety) |
2016-05-06 00:24:38 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-snapdragon (Ubuntu Precise): status |
New |
Invalid |
2016-05-06 00:24:42 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-snapdragon (Ubuntu Precise): importance |
Undecided |
High |
2016-05-06 00:24:44 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-snapdragon (Ubuntu Wily): status |
New |
Invalid |
2016-05-06 00:24:48 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-snapdragon (Ubuntu Wily): importance |
Undecided |
High |
2016-05-06 00:24:51 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-snapdragon (Ubuntu Xenial): status |
New |
Invalid |
2016-05-06 00:24:54 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-snapdragon (Ubuntu Xenial): importance |
Undecided |
High |
2016-05-06 00:24:56 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-snapdragon (Ubuntu Yakkety): status |
New |
Invalid |
2016-05-06 00:25:00 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-snapdragon (Ubuntu Yakkety): importance |
Undecided |
High |
2016-05-06 00:25:02 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-snapdragon (Ubuntu Trusty): status |
New |
Invalid |
2016-05-06 00:25:05 |
Steve Beattie |
linux-snapdragon (Ubuntu Trusty): importance |
Undecided |
High |