Passed on D-KVM with proper kernel config check added into the test:
startup='Fri Nov 15 01:19:17 2019'
tst_kconfig.c:62: INFO: Parsing kernel config '/boot/config-5.0.0-1023-kvm'
tst_kconfig.c:258: INFO: Kernel CONFIG_XFS_QUOTA is not set
tst_kconfig.c:284: CONF: Aborting due to unsuitable kernel config, see above!
tag=quotactl02 stime=1573780757 dur=0 exit=exited stat=32 core=no cu=0 cs=0
startup='Fri Nov 15 01:19:18 2019'
tst_kconfig.c:62: INFO: Parsing kernel config '/boot/config-5.0.0-1023-kvm'
tst_kconfig.c:258: INFO: Kernel CONFIG_XFS_QUOTA is not set
tst_kconfig.c:284: CONF: Aborting due to unsuitable kernel config, see above!
tag=quotactl03 stime=1573780758 dur=0 exit=exited stat=32 core=no cu=0 cs=0
Passed on D-KVM with proper kernel config check added into the test: config- 5.0.0-1023- kvm' config- 5.0.0-1023- kvm'
startup='Fri Nov 15 01:19:17 2019'
tst_kconfig.c:62: INFO: Parsing kernel config '/boot/
tst_kconfig.c:258: INFO: Kernel CONFIG_XFS_QUOTA is not set
tst_kconfig.c:284: CONF: Aborting due to unsuitable kernel config, see above!
tag=quotactl02 stime=1573780757 dur=0 exit=exited stat=32 core=no cu=0 cs=0
startup='Fri Nov 15 01:19:18 2019'
tst_kconfig.c:62: INFO: Parsing kernel config '/boot/
tst_kconfig.c:258: INFO: Kernel CONFIG_XFS_QUOTA is not set
tst_kconfig.c:284: CONF: Aborting due to unsuitable kernel config, see above!
tag=quotactl03 stime=1573780758 dur=0 exit=exited stat=32 core=no cu=0 cs=0