* There is nothing in the package that requires a security audit. There is no previous security history.
* The packaging looks sane and builds fine with only packages from main
* no testsuite
* as noted, Ubuntu does carry a delta, but it is to add quilt, not ship the 'perf' tool and remove a problematic postinst script.
* since there is an Ubuntu delta, it would be good if there was a team subscribed to the bug, but I won't block the MIR on that
* package is not lintian clean:
$ lintian ./*dsc
E: linux-base source: patch-modifying-debian-files 0001-remove-bin-perf.patch debian/linux-base.install
W: linux-base source: patch-system-but-no-source-readme
W: linux-base source: debian-rules-missing-recommended-target build-arch
W: linux-base source: debian-rules-missing-recommended-target build-indep
W: linux-base source: out-of-date-standards-version 3.9.1 (current is 3.9.3)$ lintian ./*deb
E: linux-base: no-debconf-config
Since the first lintian error and lintian warning were introduced by the Ubuntu delta, this should be cleaned up. I have filed bug #1008565 for this issue.
* There is nothing in the package that requires a security audit. There is no previous security history. -debian- files 0001-remove- bin-perf. patch debian/ linux-base. install but-no- source- readme rules-missing- recommended- target build-arch rules-missing- recommended- target build-indep date-standards- version 3.9.1 (current is 3.9.3)$ lintian ./*deb
* The packaging looks sane and builds fine with only packages from main
* no testsuite
* as noted, Ubuntu does carry a delta, but it is to add quilt, not ship the 'perf' tool and remove a problematic postinst script.
* since there is an Ubuntu delta, it would be good if there was a team subscribed to the bug, but I won't block the MIR on that
* package is not lintian clean:
$ lintian ./*dsc
E: linux-base source: patch-modifying
W: linux-base source: patch-system-
W: linux-base source: debian-
W: linux-base source: debian-
W: linux-base source: out-of-
E: linux-base: no-debconf-config
Since the first lintian error and lintian warning were introduced by the Ubuntu delta, this should be cleaned up. I have filed bug #1008565 for this issue.
ACK, but please fix bug 1008565.