Ok, I was in the first two or five rounds of this discussion and I have to say that at this point any further discussion is moot. The real bug was that Mark and others did not consider the possibility at people would hate the changed in the UI. And by hate, I mean, running screaming in the street effigy burning, storm the Bastille, throw the tea in the harbor, *HATE* the UI. I'm pretty sure they expected some people to dislike it, but not hate it. When they realized they had a real problem they fixed it. All you have to do it to go to appearance in the preferences menu and select the old human theme and you get all the goodness of 10.4 with a nice livable theme. They didn't do that at first, no, they gave us set of instructions that required you to start a command line program and directly edit a control string. Getting the string wrong could mean losing the buttons on your windows. It was a pain but it worked. Now, you just have to click through a couple of menus and click on the old theme and you are done. What they finally did is what they should have done in the first case, they put in their new ideas for a theme and made it easy for people like you and I to keep our old theme. It would have been nice if they made that an option at installation time, but they really do want to make Ubuntu look that way. Now, let me make a comment to all the folks who left Ubuntu and are not coming back and all the people who are threatening to leave if this doesn't get fixed. Nobody at Ubuntu gives a *SHIT* what you do. Mark is a very smart person. He wants to make Ubuntu into a true commpetitor with Windows. He wants to make a few billion dollars doing it. He has already vacationed on the IIS, maybe he want to build his own orbital resort. It would be a perfectly logical next thing if he had the money, who knows. Maybe he just likes being the rich. I know I like having more money than I need. A fat wallet feels a lot like... *FREEDOM*. So why doesn't he care if you leave? Well, are you a customer of his? If customers leave in large numbers then a company has something to worry about. But, if you are not a customer then why would the company care about anything you do? Mark is trying to monetize Ubuntu. To do that he has given it a look that appeals to a demographic who spend a shit load of money buying digital goods. Marks last big money maker was another company that sold a digital good. Those kinds of companies can make a butt load of money. That demographic also is very influenced by how "cool" something looks. (BTW, "cool" is pronounced something like "Khol" where you kind of swallow the "kwo" sound. Pronouncing it correctly is very important.) So now Ubuntu looks right to that demographic. He has added the ability to purchase music and to use all your existing mp3s with Ubuntu. (Did you notice the codexs included in 10.4?) And, he has provided a way to store your digital goods online, UbuntuOne is pretty nice and I expect it will become *awsome* and the music store hidden away in RhythmBox is all most to good to be true. Even though I am almost 60 I decided to move to 10.4 despite because of those two new features. With the move to get Ubuntu into instant on dual boot computers coupled with the UbuntuOne and the music store people will not have to wait for Windows to boot to do all the most popular things people do with laptops and netbooks. The result will be lots of money going to Ubuntu for operating system software, for music, and maybe for some online services as well. The people who buy software, and music, and online services from Ubuntu are it's customers. If you don't do any of those things then you are not a customer. Guess what, if you are not a customer then no company has any reason to care if you stop using the free portion of their product. They don't care if you switch to Fedora or to Debian. While I do not like the effect that these changes have had on me, I completely understand what Mark is doing and I think he is going after the right demographic. There are damned few people like me who are ever going to be his customers. Giving me a painless way to get back to the UI I like while still giving me the chance to use Ubuntu and maybe to become a customer is a reasonable thing for them to do. And, they have done it. Bob Pendleton On Fri, Jul 23, 2010 at 6:23 AM, Ubuntu-Me