The problem is fixed by LWP::Protocol::https version 6.06. You can either get it from there, or at least patch the bad method. To make it easier, here is the fix, below. The issue seems to be the first else:
sub _extra_sock_opts
my $self = shift;
my %ssl_opts = %{$self->{ua}{ssl_opts} || {}};
if (delete $ssl_opts{verify_hostname}) {
$ssl_opts{SSL_verify_mode} ||= 1;
$ssl_opts{SSL_verifycn_scheme} = 'www';
else {
$ssl_opts{SSL_verify_mode} = 0;
if ($ssl_opts{SSL_verify_mode}) {
unless (exists $ssl_opts{SSL_ca_file} || exists $ssl_opts{SSL_ca_path}) {
eval {
require Mozilla::CA;
if ($@) {
if ($@ =! /^Can't locate Mozilla\/CA\.pm/) {
$@ = <<'EOT';
Can't verify SSL peers without knowing which Certificate Authorities to trust
This problem can be fixed by either setting the PERL_LWP_SSL_CA_FILE
environment variable or by installing the Mozilla::CA module.
To disable verification of SSL peers set the PERL_LWP_SSL_VERIFY_HOSTNAME
environment variable to 0. If you do this you can't be sure that you
communicate with the expected peer.
die $@;
$ssl_opts{SSL_ca_file} = Mozilla::CA::SSL_ca_file();
$self->{ssl_opts} = \%ssl_opts;
return (%ssl_opts, $self->SUPER::_extra_sock_opts);
The problem is fixed by LWP::Protocol: :https version 6.06. You can either get it from there, or at least patch the bad method. To make it easier, here is the fix, below. The issue seems to be the first else:
sub _extra_sock_opts >{ua}{ssl_ opts} || {}}; verify_ hostname} ) { SSL_verify_ mode} ||= 1; SSL_verifycn_ scheme} = 'www'; SSL_verify_ mode} = 0; SSL_verify_ mode}) { SSL_ca_ file} || exists $ssl_opts{ SSL_ca_ path}) {
my $self = shift;
my %ssl_opts = %{$self-
if (delete $ssl_opts{
else {
if ($ssl_opts{
unless (exists $ssl_opts{
eval {
require Mozilla::CA;
if ($@) {
if ($@ =! /^Can't locate Mozilla\/CA\.pm/) {
$@ = <<'EOT';
Can't verify SSL peers without knowing which Certificate Authorities to trust
This problem can be fixed by either setting the PERL_LWP_ SSL_CA_ FILE
environment variable or by installing the Mozilla::CA module.
To disable verification of SSL peers set the PERL_LWP_ SSL_VERIFY_ HOSTNAME opts{SSL_ ca_file} = Mozilla: :CA::SSL_ ca_file( ); >{ssl_opts} = \%ssl_opts; SUPER:: _extra_ sock_opts) ;
environment variable to 0. If you do this you can't be sure that you
communicate with the expected peer.
die $@;
return (%ssl_opts, $self->