libreoffice-style-elementary as alternate to libreoffice-style-human
Bug #1483914 reported by
Sean Davis
This bug affects 1 person
Affects | Status | Importance | Assigned to | Milestone | |
LibreOffice |
Fix Released
libreoffice (Ubuntu) |
Fix Released
Björn Michaelsen |
Bug Description
The Xubuntu team has started to maintain a new icon theme for LibreOffice.
Upstream: https:/
Source Package: https:/
Package: http://
Please consider adding this theme as an alternate Recommends for libreoffice-gtk and libreoffice-gtk3 in Ubuntu. Ultimately, we would like to include this upstream in LibreOffice, and there is an initial upstream bug report where work was started on this (though it seems progress has slowed).
Upstream report: https:/
Changed in df-libreoffice: | |
importance: | Unknown → Medium |
status: | Unknown → Confirmed |
Changed in libreoffice (Ubuntu): | |
importance: | Undecided → Medium |
Changed in df-libreoffice: | |
status: | Confirmed → Fix Released |
Changed in libreoffice (Ubuntu): | |
assignee: | nobody → Björn Michaelsen (bjoern-michaelsen) |
status: | New → Fix Committed |
status: | Fix Committed → In Progress |
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The “Human” theme is so named because it is derived from Humanity, an icon theme originally developed for Ubuntu as a derivation of the original elementary theme. Nowadays, this LibreOffice theme is unmaintained, highly incomplete, and visually obsolete.
The Shimmer Project (known for Xubuntu and the Numix GTK+ theme) is creating an updated icon theme, based on Human, but including the newest elementary icons as well as creating original new ones.
@Michael: I added you to the CC list because of a licensing question: Simon, one of the Shimmer Project developers, asked me if it is necessary to put together a list of the individual icons and their license (à la icon-themes/ human/Copyright sHuman) . [1] Based on what I understand of [2], that would mean “attribution bloat”, right?
[1]: https:/ /github. com/shimmerproj ect/libreoffice -style- elementary/ issues/ 1#issuecomment- 117154479 /wiki.documentf oundation. org/License_ Policy
[2]: https:/