Comment 12 for bug 874468

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Kim Lilliestierna (kill-t) wrote :

Haveing the same problem on kubuntu 15.10

Mail is usually not delted on an imap server, it is only *marked* as deleted, and wll be permanently erased when the server receives a "EXPUNGE" command. the akonadi imap connector and / or kmal2 have 2 problems:

1. it does no longer send EXPUNGE if the imap server is a Courier server it seems ( for me it works on my Dovecot account but not on the Courier), this can be verified by enabling imap debuging and restarting akonadi. connecting to a Courier server and delteing or moving a mail vill show that no EXPUNGE commands are sent, while trying on a Dovecot EXPUNGE is sent all over the place.

2. Kmail does not fully respect the imap Deleted flag and therfoer still handles deleted mail, even though it does know that the mail is deleted since it is greying it out, but, if anny scripts are running (spam filtering, rules to move mail etc) the script engine will stil act on deleted mail as if it was normal, and try to act on it ie moving, deleting etc.

Since both moving and deleting is actuall a copy / delete operation this wil go on for ever filling up trashcans and spam folders etc.

One work around is to use another mail client (webmail, thunderbird etc) that actually issues EXPUNGE, det not so good part is that one needs to go through all folders that have "deleted" mail, and the problem will reaper the moment one uses Kmal to delte or move a mail.

That measn that for now Kmail is more than useless if you happen to have a courier imap account...