Activity log for bug #40529

Date Who What changed Old value New value Message
2006-04-21 11:09:49 Kyromaster bug added bug
2006-05-10 23:44:15 lexual kubuntu-meta: severity Normal Wishlist
2006-05-10 23:44:15 lexual kubuntu-meta: statusexplanation
2007-06-09 03:49:40 Rich Johnson kubuntu-meta: status Unconfirmed Confirmed
2007-06-09 03:49:40 Rich Johnson kubuntu-meta: statusexplanation I do not know how much work would be involved with this. KControl and System Settings is just for KDE apps that accept proxy settings. Each application has a different way of implementing proxy settings.
2008-11-02 13:33:42 Jonathan Thomas kubuntu-meta: bugtargetdisplayname kubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) kdeadmin (Ubuntu)
2008-11-02 13:33:42 Jonathan Thomas kubuntu-meta: bugtargetname kubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) kdeadmin (Ubuntu)
2008-11-02 13:33:42 Jonathan Thomas kubuntu-meta: statusexplanation I do not know how much work would be involved with this. KControl and System Settings is just for KDE apps that accept proxy settings. Each application has a different way of implementing proxy settings.
2008-11-02 13:33:42 Jonathan Thomas kubuntu-meta: title Bug #40529 in kubuntu-meta (Ubuntu): "Proxy can´t be set globally" Bug #40529 in kdeadmin (Ubuntu): "Proxy can´t be set globally"