Some details may have changed since April, but the problem remained. After upgrading to Trusty yesterday, I got the same unpleasant message with qdbus. In my /usr/bin/startkde file, the crucial line reads:
alias qdbus="QT_SELECT=qt4 qdbus"
After removing the quotes, KDE launched successfully, but this simply means that it actually works WITHOUT qdbus! Removing the quotes makes a substantial difference! Without quotes, the command alias:
* sets qdbus to be expanded to QT_SELECT=qt4
* lists the alias for qdbus
Thus, the program qdbus is no longer called. With quotes, however, the command qdbus first sets $QT_SELECT to qt4 and then calls the qdbus program. It would be probably more acceptable to write:
alias qdbus="QT_SELECT=qt4; qdbus"
Though I do not exactly know the role of qdbus, I suppose that KDE may once crash when it really needs it. It may be a good idea to have it anyway. After entering qdbus in the command line, I got the following message:
qdbus: could not exec '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt4/bin/qdbus': No such file or directory
This all happened on my 64-bit computer. On the other hand, I have another 32-bit computer, where there were no problems with qdbus. Thus, I concluded that the qdbus library has been only written for the 32-bit architecture. As a result, my solution is:
Some details may have changed since April, but the problem remained. After upgrading to Trusty yesterday, I got the same unpleasant message with qdbus. In my /usr/bin/startkde file, the crucial line reads:
alias qdbus=" QT_SELECT= qt4 qdbus"
After removing the quotes, KDE launched successfully, but this simply means that it actually works WITHOUT qdbus! Removing the quotes makes a substantial difference! Without quotes, the command alias:
* sets qdbus to be expanded to QT_SELECT=qt4
* lists the alias for qdbus
Thus, the program qdbus is no longer called. With quotes, however, the command qdbus first sets $QT_SELECT to qt4 and then calls the qdbus program. It would be probably more acceptable to write:
alias qdbus=" QT_SELECT= qt4; qdbus"
Though I do not exactly know the role of qdbus, I suppose that KDE may once crash when it really needs it. It may be a good idea to have it anyway. After entering qdbus in the command line, I got the following message:
qdbus: could not exec '/usr/lib/ x86_64- linux-gnu/ qt4/bin/ qdbus': No such file or directory
This all happened on my 64-bit computer. On the other hand, I have another 32-bit computer, where there were no problems with qdbus. Thus, I concluded that the qdbus library has been only written for the 32-bit architecture. As a result, my solution is:
sudo mkdir /usr/lib/ x86_64- linux-gnu/ qt4/bin x86_64- linux-gnu/ qt4/bin i386-linux- gnu/qt4/ bin/qdbus /usr/lib/ x86_64- linux-gnu/ qt4/bin/ qdbus
sudo chmod a+rx /usr/lib/
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/
At least in my case, it works!