Comment 13 for bug 576500

Revision history for this message
Steven Hirsch (snhirsch) wrote : Re: [Bug 576500] Re: k3b in amd64 lucid freezes after ripping a CD to flac or after convering a cue+audio file to flac

On Sun, 22 Aug 2010, Kevin Krumwiede wrote:

> When can we expect a backport for 10.04 LTS?

I got tired of waiting and built 2.0.1 from the source deb on Lucid. It
claims it needs a newer pkg-kde-tools and kdelibs5-dev than the ones with
10.04, but I simply edited the debian/control file to accept what was on
the box. It built and works fine.

Really irritates me when the stated requirements lock you out of
backporting for no good reason.
