inkscape (0.48.4-0.1ubuntu1) raring; urgency=low
* Merge from Debian Experimental (LP: #1106182). Remaining changes:
- debian/control:
+ Ubuntu maintainers
+ Build against lcms2 (LP: #885324)
+ Drop build-dependency on specific libwpd/libwpg version.
+ promote libgnomevfs2-extra to recommends (lp: #496223)
+ Demote pstoedit to Suggests (universe package).
+ Suggest transfig to allow import of xfig files (LP: #668300)
+ Drop unnecessary python and skencil suggestions (LP: #762541)
+ Promote python-lxml, python-numpy, python-uniconvertor to Recommends.
- Handle translation tasks for Ubuntu main (LP: #726850):
+ debian/rules: Add dh_translations to binary-arch rule
+ debian/control: Build-Depends dh-translations
- debian/patches/01_add_unity_quicklist_support.patch: add "New Drawing"
to Unity quicklist (LP: #676886)
inkscape (0.48.4-0.1) experimental; urgency=low
* Non-maintainer upload.
* New upstream release (Closes: #696181)
- debian/patches/: patch #03 for CVE-2012-5656
was merged upstream, so dropped our copy
- libpng15 incompatibility fixed (Closes: #649975)
- fixes compatibility with poppler 0.20.x (Closes: #679890)
* debian/changelog: old NMU changelog entry added (Closes: #564022)
-- Alexander Valavanis <email address hidden> Mon, 11 Feb 2013 19:00:07 +0000