Activity log for bug #1066825

Date Who What changed Old value New value Message
2012-10-15 10:45:02 Victor Zhou bug added bug
2012-10-15 10:45:33 Victor Zhou description build: quantal 20121014 arch: i386 | amd64 1. make a usb startup disk, and start to install quantal iso 2. during the installation progress, click the "start screen saver" button on the top-right corner of the screen 3. you will find nothing happens. if the button does not function, it's should not be displayed (or should be disabled) build: quantal 20121014 arch: i386 | amd64 1. make a usb startup disk, and start to install quantal iso 2. during the installation progress, click the "start screen saver" button on the top-right corner of the screen 3. you will find nothing happens. if the button does not function, it should not be displayed there (or it should be disabled)
2012-10-15 10:46:47 Victor Zhou tags iso-testing qa-manual-testing quantal iso-testing qa-manual-testing quantal rls-q-incoming
2012-10-15 22:55:07 Brian Murray ubiquity (Ubuntu): importance Undecided Low
2012-10-15 22:55:22 Brian Murray tags iso-testing qa-manual-testing quantal rls-q-incoming iso-testing qa-manual-testing quantal rls-q-notfixing
2012-10-15 22:57:08 Brian Murray affects ubiquity (Ubuntu) casper (Ubuntu)
2012-10-16 01:30:46 Victor Zhou attachment added Screenshot from 2012-10-15 14:02:43.png
2012-10-16 08:57:43 Dimitri John Ledkov affects casper (Ubuntu) ubiquity (Ubuntu)
2012-10-16 08:57:50 Dimitri John Ledkov ubiquity (Ubuntu): status New Triaged
2012-10-16 09:12:00 Dimitri John Ledkov bug task added indicator-session (Ubuntu)
2012-10-16 09:26:30 Dimitri John Ledkov bug task deleted indicator-session (Ubuntu)
2012-10-16 16:14:54 Brian Murray summary nothing happens after click the "start screen saver" button on the top-right corner of the screen during the installation progress "start screen saver" button on the top-right corner of the screen during the installation progress should be removed
2012-10-17 22:41:25 Dimitri John Ledkov summary "start screen saver" button on the top-right corner of the screen during the installation progress should be removed "start screen saver" does nothing if lock-screen is locked down
2012-10-17 22:41:58 Dimitri John Ledkov description build: quantal 20121014 arch: i386 | amd64 1. make a usb startup disk, and start to install quantal iso 2. during the installation progress, click the "start screen saver" button on the top-right corner of the screen 3. you will find nothing happens. if the button does not function, it should not be displayed there (or it should be disabled) Boot into live-cd Observe that "Start Screen Saver" action does nothing
2012-10-17 22:42:02 Dimitri John Ledkov ubiquity (Ubuntu): status Triaged Invalid
2012-10-17 22:42:10 Dimitri John Ledkov bug task added indicator-session (Ubuntu)
2012-10-17 22:42:17 Dimitri John Ledkov indicator-session (Ubuntu): status New Confirmed
2012-10-17 22:42:26 Dimitri John Ledkov bug task added indicator-session
2012-10-17 22:44:22 Launchpad Janitor branch linked lp:~xnox/indicator-session/fix-screensaver-does-nothing
2012-10-18 04:27:54 Charles Kerr indicator-session: status New Confirmed
2012-10-18 04:27:59 Charles Kerr indicator-session: assignee Charles Kerr (charlesk)
2012-10-24 14:12:06 Launchpad Janitor branch linked lp:indicator-session
2012-10-24 20:56:39 Charles Kerr indicator-session: status Confirmed Fix Committed
2012-10-24 20:59:05 Charles Kerr indicator-session: milestone 13.04.0
2012-11-13 16:27:26 Omer Akram bug task deleted ubiquity (Ubuntu)
2012-11-13 16:27:32 Omer Akram indicator-session: importance Undecided Low
2012-11-13 16:27:35 Omer Akram indicator-session (Ubuntu): importance Undecided Low
2012-11-13 16:27:37 Omer Akram indicator-session (Ubuntu): status Confirmed Fix Committed
2012-11-13 16:27:43 Omer Akram indicator-session (Ubuntu): assignee Charles Kerr (charlesk)
2013-01-25 12:14:33 Launchpad Janitor branch linked lp:ubuntu/raring-proposed/indicator-session
2013-01-25 12:25:30 Launchpad Janitor indicator-session (Ubuntu): status Fix Committed Fix Released
2014-03-13 21:37:15 Charles Kerr indicator-session: status Fix Committed Fix Released