Comment 23 for bug 1754872

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Raphael Mankin (raph-p) wrote : Re: [Bug 1754872] Re: gnome-control-center is unusable on xubuntu-desktop, but called from Gear (About this Computer, System Settings) icon, Text Entry Settings, clock (Time & Date Settings)

On Sat, 2018-08-18 at 08:34 +0000, Theo Linkspfeifer wrote:
> Explicitly installing light-locker will remove xscreensaver from the
> list.
> It looks like there are quite some oddities.
Yes, as I discovered later there is a problem in a bad interaction
between lightdm and xscreensaver.

I removed lightlocker a long time back and replaced it with
xscreensaver because lightlocker caused too many problems (don't now
remember what). Replacing lightdm with gdm has eliminated the latest
problem I was having with secondary logins.

So in summary: lightdm+(lightlocker|xscreensaver) - bad;
gdm+xscreensaver - good,  or at least fewer problems.