The package is currently in universe with no deltas with Debian.
The package provides an interactive process viewer that is more complex and feature rich than top, while still being a text-mode application. The package is useful for system administrators all the way to general users to get a better idea of what is going on with their system.
There has been a single CVE [1] for htop back in 2008 around version 0.7 (now on 2.0.2). The source package comes with one binary package, which contains a single binary under /usr/bin.
[Quality assurance]
There is no configuration required and no debconf questions asked by the package. The package currently is built and ran across all release architectures.
The package does have a debian/watch file [3].
There are a 14 bugs in the Ubuntu bug tracker [4] and 26 in the Debian bug tacker [5]. None of which are related to data corruption, system crashing, or other catastrophic issues.
All three run time dependencies [6] are in main: libc6, libtinfo5, and libncursesw5
All build dependencies [7] are in main: debhelper, dh-autoreconf, dpkg-dev, libncurses5-dev, libncursesw5-dev, python-minimal
I am ignoring libhwloc-dev and libkvm-dev as build dependencies as libhwloc-dev is marked as 'not linux-any' and libkvm-dev is marked as 'kfreebsd-any'.
[Standards compliance]
The package has no major lintian [8] problems.
[8] https://<email address hidden>#htop
We can continue to keep this package synced directly with Debian. It is not a volatile package with many changes coming.
[Background information]
The general purpose and context of the package is explained in the package's debian/control file. This package has not had a different name in the past.
The package is currently in universe with no deltas with Debian.
The package provides an interactive process viewer that is more complex and feature rich than top, while still being a text-mode application. The package is useful for system administrators all the way to general users to get a better idea of what is going on with their system.
[1] https:/ /hisham. hm/htop/ index.php
There has been a single CVE [1] for htop back in 2008 around version 0.7 (now on 2.0.2). The source package comes with one binary package, which contains a single binary under /usr/bin.
[2] https:/ /cve.mitre. org/cgi- bin/cvename. cgi?name= CVE-2008- 5076
[Quality assurance]
There is no configuration required and no debconf questions asked by the package. The package currently is built and ran across all release architectures.
The package does have a debian/watch file [3].
There are a 14 bugs in the Ubuntu bug tracker [4] and 26 in the Debian bug tacker [5]. None of which are related to data corruption, system crashing, or other catastrophic issues.
[3] https:/ /anonscm. debian. org/cgit/ collab- maint/htop. git/tree/ debian/ watch /bugs.launchpad .net/ubuntu/ +source/ htop /bugs.debian. org/cgi- bin/pkgreport. cgi?repeatmerge d=no&src= htop
[4] https:/
[5] https:/
All three run time dependencies [6] are in main: libc6, libtinfo5, and libncursesw5
All build dependencies [7] are in main: debhelper, dh-autoreconf, dpkg-dev, libncurses5-dev, libncursesw5-dev, python-minimal
I am ignoring libhwloc-dev and libkvm-dev as build dependencies as libhwloc-dev is marked as 'not linux-any' and libkvm-dev is marked as 'kfreebsd-any'.
[6] http:// packages. ubuntu. com/yakkety/ htop packages. ubuntu. com/source/ yakkety/ htop
[7] http://
[Standards compliance]
The package has no major lintian [8] problems.
[8] https://<email address hidden>#htop
We can continue to keep this package synced directly with Debian. It is not a volatile package with many changes coming.
[Background information]
The general purpose and context of the package is explained in the package's debian/control file. This package has not had a different name in the past.