Looks like this situation got resolved and src:python-reportlab is not needed in "main" any longer. There are no reverse-dependency pulling it in.
$ reverse-depends src:python-reportlab -c main -r mantic => Nothing. Therefore, src:python-reportlab should be demoted to "universe"
This probably just needs a seed change: $ seeded-in-ubuntu python-reportlab python-reportlab-doc (from python-reportlab) is seeded in: kubuntu: supported lubuntu: supported ubuntu-mate: supported ubuntu: supported ubuntukylin: supported xubuntu: supported python3-reportlab (from python-reportlab) is seeded in: kubuntu: supported lubuntu: daily-live ubuntu-mate: daily-live ubuntu-unity: daily-live ubuntukylin: daily-live xubuntu: daily-live, daily-minimal
Edit: I did that just now: https://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/+git/ubuntu/commit/?id=ccf378c73f95792574c45cd75cd04e8bd787c3ae
Looks like this situation got resolved and src:python- reportlab is not needed in "main" any longer. There are no reverse-dependency pulling it in.
$ reverse-depends src:python- reportlab -c main -r mantic reportlab should be demoted to "universe"
=> Nothing. Therefore, src:python-
This probably just needs a seed change: reportlab- doc (from python-reportlab) is seeded in:
$ seeded-in-ubuntu python-reportlab
kubuntu: supported
lubuntu: supported
ubuntu-mate: supported
ubuntu: supported
ubuntukylin: supported
xubuntu: supported
python3-reportlab (from python-reportlab) is seeded in:
kubuntu: supported
lubuntu: daily-live
ubuntu-mate: daily-live
ubuntu-unity: daily-live
ubuntukylin: daily-live
xubuntu: daily-live, daily-minimal
Edit: I did that just now: https:/ /git.launchpad. net/~ubuntu- core-dev/ ubuntu- seeds/+ git/ubuntu/ commit/ ?id=ccf378c73f9 5792574c45cd75c d04e8bd787c3ae