This bug was fixed in the package gnome-settings-daemon - 3.14.2-2ubuntu1 --------------- gnome-settings-daemon (3.14.2-2ubuntu1) vivid; urgency=low [ Jackson Doak ] * Merge with Debian, remaining changes: LP: #1399047 + Split out schemas into gnome-settings-daemon-schemas so unity-settings-daemon can use them + debian/patches: - 05_disable_corner_tapping.patch: Disable corner tapping when disabling tap to click - 43_disable_locale_settings.patch: Don't set locales after sourcing .profile - 45_suppress-printer-may-not-be-connected-notification.patch - 53_sync_input_sources_to_accountsservice.patch - 64_restore_terminal_keyboard_shortcut_schema.patch - correct_logout_action.patch display the logout action on ctrl-alt-del (lp: #961501) - migrate_metacity_keys.patch Migrate screenshot/terminal keys from metacity gconf as well (LP: #1058004) - nexus-orientation.patch Fix screen rotation on nexus7 - ubuntu-lid-close-suspend.patch Reimplement support for setting lid close suspend actions - ubuntu-force-lock-group.patch Lock the XKB group when ISO_Next_Group is pressed (lp: #1318673) - revert_background_dropping.patch Keep gsettings keys background u-s-d needs them - revert-gsettings-removals.patch Revert gsettings keys that were dropped since 3.8, for u-s-d + debian/gnome-settings-daemon.install: Install apport hook + debian/rules: install upstart scripts * We now have geoclue-2.0, so drop our revert * Disable new sharing plugin this requires Network Manager 0.9.10 [ Tim Lunn ] * Drop ubuntu-force-lock-group.patch, this completely breaks input switching and the bug that it fixes is no longer reproducible gnome-settings-daemon (3.14.2-2) unstable; urgency=medium * 01_reinstate_updates_plugin.patch: reinstate the “updates” plugin, since gnome-software is not in jessie and we need an update mechanism. * Use * Reintroduce GNOME 3.12 translations. * Update packagekit-glib build-dependency. gnome-settings-daemon (3.14.2-1) unstable; urgency=medium * New upstream translation and bugfix release. * 30_xrandr_dbus_init.patch: patch from upstream git. Fixes a crash due to a race condition in dbus initialization. gnome-settings-daemon (3.14.1-1) unstable; urgency=medium * New upstream release. * debian/ Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.6 (no further changes) gnome-settings-daemon (3.14.0-2) unstable; urgency=medium * Do not enable networkmanager support on !linux architectures * debian/ - Add libnm-util-dev to the build-dependencies - Depends against libpam-systemd instead of plain systemd package, g-s-d needs logind for several power related functionalities gnome-settings-daemon (3.14.0-1) unstable; urgency=medium * New upstream release. * debian/gnome-settings-daemon.install: stop installing usr/share/dbus-1/services. See upstream commit "keyboard: Remove input sources handling". * Bump Breaks on gnome-shell to 3.13.92 because of the above. * Upload to unstable. gnome-settings-daemon (3.13.91-1) experimental; urgency=medium * New upstream development release. * Update build-dependencies according to changes: - Add libnm-glib-dev (>= -- Jackson Doak