[ Dustin Kirkland ]
* usr/bin/vigpg:
- specify stdin for input file
* usr/bin/vigpg:
- get vigpg working with the new release of gpg in wily
- clean up encrypted copies of the file
* usr/share/applications/byobu.desktop: LP: #1503418
- use byobu icon rather than gnome-terminal
[ Roman Inflianskas ]
* usr/lib/byobu/include/config.py.in:
- fix help for openSUSE
This bug was fixed in the package byobu - 5.98-0ubuntu1
byobu (5.98-0ubuntu1) xenial; urgency=medium
[ Dustin Kirkland ] applications/ byobu.desktop: LP: #1503418
* usr/bin/vigpg:
- specify stdin for input file
* usr/bin/vigpg:
- get vigpg working with the new release of gpg in wily
- clean up encrypted copies of the file
* usr/share/
- use byobu icon rather than gnome-terminal
[ Roman Inflianskas ] byobu/include/ config. py.in:
* usr/lib/
- fix help for openSUSE
-- Dustin Kirkland <email address hidden> Mon, 31 Aug 2015 13:32:38 -0500