gnome-hearts (0.2-1ubuntu1) hardy; urgency=low
* Merge from debian unstable, remaining changes:
- Dropped ubuntu patch, fixed upstream
- Dropped 01_gnome_cards_data.patch, as we take our gnome from upstream,
not from debian. (LP: #123623)
gnome-hearts (0.2-1) unstable; urgency=low
[ Sander Marechal ]
* New upstream release. Closes: #425670, #420861.
- Big rewrite of the C code
- Uses Python instead of Lua for AI scripts
- Many bugfixes and translation updates
* Dependency on Lua replaced with Python
* Recreated 01_gnome_cards_data.patch for the new upstream source
[ Josselin Mouette ]
* 02_fix_pythondir.patch: install the private python modules in a
private directory.
* Call dh_pysupport; build-depend on python-support 0.4.
* Don't hardcode the 2.4 version of python.
* 03_shared_link.patch: link to python dynamically.
* 01_gnome_cards_data.patch:
+ Fix the path to the cards in gnome-cards-data.
+ Don't remove the picture, it's useless to do it in the patch.
gnome-hearts (0.1.3-4) unstable; urgency=low
* 01_gnome_cards_data.patch: use the new path for cards.
* Depend on gnome-cards-data 2.20.
-- Sarah Hobbs <email address hidden> Thu, 01 Nov 2007 18:42:02 +1100