We believe that should be fixed by those commits
* https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-bluetooth/commit/e807cbd8 client: Fix bluetooth_client_set_trusted() not working
(that would probably explain the LinkKey section missing from the config)
* https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-bluetooth/commit/4f1e0b35 ' lib: Always try to pair pointer devices '
Those fixes are in 3.32 in disco and I've uploaded a bionic SRU now https://launchpadlibrarian.net/418989286/gnome-bluetooth_3.28.0-2ubuntu0.2_source.changes
(the SRU needs to be reviewed/accepted next)
We believe that should be fixed by those commits
* https:/ /gitlab. gnome.org/ GNOME/gnome- bluetooth/ commit/ e807cbd8 client_ set_trusted( ) not working
client: Fix bluetooth_
(that would probably explain the LinkKey section missing from the config)
* https:/ /gitlab. gnome.org/ GNOME/gnome- bluetooth/ commit/ 4f1e0b35
' lib: Always try to pair pointer devices '
Those fixes are in 3.32 in disco and I've uploaded a bionic SRU now /launchpadlibra rian.net/ 418989286/ gnome-bluetooth _3.28.0- 2ubuntu0. 2_source. changes
(the SRU needs to be reviewed/accepted next)