The geographiclib-dev installer puts the FindGeographicLib.cmake file in:
The correct location is:
The first location is not in the cmake path, so it never gets found by cmake and is more or less completely useless by default. The file itself seems fine once I add it to the cmake path, so it looks like a simple install script bug.
This bug was originally discovered with libgeographiclib-dev 1.45-2 in xenial, but it appears to still be present in package 1.49 in bionic.
The geographiclib-dev installer puts the FindGeographicL ib.cmake file in: cmake/geographi clib/FindGeogra phicLib. cmake
The correct location is: cmake-3. 5/Modules
The first location is not in the cmake path, so it never gets found by cmake and is more or less completely useless by default. The file itself seems fine once I add it to the cmake path, so it looks like a simple install script bug.
This bug was originally discovered with libgeographicli b-dev 1.45-2 in xenial, but it appears to still be present in package 1.49 in bionic.