* New upstream bug fix release:
- Accessibility is now enabled by default for the GDM login screen.
- When the face browser is disabled, the PAM conversation is started
immediately, so users do not need to click a button to start entering
the username and password. (GNOME #591082)
- Add label-for and labelled-by a11y relations to the entry field in the
login GUI. This makes the login GUI more accessible when using AT programs.
(GNOME #613434).
- Fixed bugs that were causing XDMCP to not show the greeter again after
logout. (GNOME #606724).
- The default XDMCP PingIntervalSeconds was increased from 15 to
60 seconds.
- The WINDOWPATH environment variable is now set for the user session.
(GNOME #609272)
- Ensure Init script is called when using Automatic Login. (GNOME #614488)
- Fix race condition with Timed Login. (GNOME #614062)
- Drop xhost localuser:gdm and localuser:root when the user session starts.
(GNOME #605350)
- Removed the icon monitor from the GDM login GUI since it was not functional
and was causing problems with automounting user's $HOME directories.
(GNOME #609321, LP: #518810)
- Do not mark "%x" for translation. (GNOME #613306)
- Remove duplicated strings for translation. (GNOME #609179)
- Minor doc corrections.
- Translation updates.
* 04_fix_external_program_directories.patch, 99_autoreconf.patch: Refresh
for new upstream version.
* Add 34_disable_a11y_default.patch: Revert upstream change between 2.30.0
and 2.30.1 to enable a11y by default. This wasn't tested and isn't
appropriate for an SRU.
* 06_run_xsession.d.patch: Export $USERXSESSION, $USERXSESSIONRC, and
$ALTUSERXSESSION, so that running the "custom"/"default" sessions actually
works. Without those, /etc/X11/Xsession.d/50x11-common_determine-startup
decides to run the system default session even if we have the
"allow-user-xsession" option. This is a prerequisite for fixing LP#398300.
Also update the patch tag header to comply to DEP-3.
* Add debian/xsession.desktop: Add a new session type "~/.xsession" which
will run ~/.xsession (Exec=default will be interpreted by the
20x11-common_process-args and 50x11-common_determine-startup Xsession.d
scripts). If the admin sets "allow-user-xsession" to False, this will
launch the system default session instead. (LP: #398300)
-- Martin Pitt <email address hidden> Wed, 28 Apr 2010 14:41:12 +0200
This bug was fixed in the package gdm - 2.30.2-0ubuntu1
gdm (2.30.2-0ubuntu1) lucid-proposed; urgency=low
* New upstream bug fix release: external_ program_ directories. patch, 99_autoreconf. patch: Refresh a11y_default. patch: Revert upstream change between 2.30.0 xsession. d.patch: Export $USERXSESSION, $USERXSESSIONRC, and SSION, so that running the "custom"/"default" sessions actually Xsession. d/50x11- common_ determine- startup user-xsession" option. This is a prerequisite for fixing LP#398300. xsession. desktop: Add a new session type "~/.xsession" which common_ process- args and 50x11-common_ determine- startup Xsession.d user-xsession" to False, this will
- Accessibility is now enabled by default for the GDM login screen.
- When the face browser is disabled, the PAM conversation is started
immediately, so users do not need to click a button to start entering
the username and password. (GNOME #591082)
- Add label-for and labelled-by a11y relations to the entry field in the
login GUI. This makes the login GUI more accessible when using AT programs.
(GNOME #613434).
- Fixed bugs that were causing XDMCP to not show the greeter again after
logout. (GNOME #606724).
- The default XDMCP PingIntervalSeconds was increased from 15 to
60 seconds.
- The WINDOWPATH environment variable is now set for the user session.
(GNOME #609272)
- Ensure Init script is called when using Automatic Login. (GNOME #614488)
- Fix race condition with Timed Login. (GNOME #614062)
- Drop xhost localuser:gdm and localuser:root when the user session starts.
(GNOME #605350)
- Removed the icon monitor from the GDM login GUI since it was not functional
and was causing problems with automounting user's $HOME directories.
(GNOME #609321, LP: #518810)
- Do not mark "%x" for translation. (GNOME #613306)
- Remove duplicated strings for translation. (GNOME #609179)
- Minor doc corrections.
- Translation updates.
* 04_fix_
for new upstream version.
* Add 34_disable_
and 2.30.1 to enable a11y by default. This wasn't tested and isn't
appropriate for an SRU.
* 06_run_
works. Without those, /etc/X11/
decides to run the system default session even if we have the
Also update the patch tag header to comply to DEP-3.
* Add debian/
will run ~/.xsession (Exec=default will be interpreted by the
scripts). If the admin sets "allow-
launch the system default session instead. (LP: #398300)
-- Martin Pitt <email address hidden> Wed, 28 Apr 2010 14:41:12 +0200