Comment 14 for bug 1472650

Revision history for this message
dann frazier (dannf) wrote :

Marking as impacting juju-core/trusty. This is easily reproduced by attempting to bootstrap a juju-local environment in trusty with juju-core 1.24.7-0ubuntu1~14.04.1 when using a kernel w/ 4 level page tables. This will be a supported config once the xenial-lts kernel is available in trusty.

A no-change rebuild of juju-core trusty would be sufficient to resolve this issue.

ubuntu@cvm2s2:~$ juju bootstrap --verbose
Bootstrapping environment "local"
Starting new instance for initial state server
Building tools to upload (
Bootstrap failed, destroying environment
ERROR failed to bootstrap environment: cannot upload bootstrap tools: cannot get version from "/tmp/juju-tools525417221/jujud": exit status 2; p=0xffff9354f000
fatal error: runtime_lfstackpush: invalid pointer

runtime stack:











goroutine 1 [garbage collection]:

goroutine 3 [syscall]:
 goroutine in C code; stack unavailable