* New upstream stable release (FIREFOX_19_0_BUILD1)
- see LP: #1128883 for USN information
- Fix LP: #1096286 - 404 error when using Chambers (UK) search.
Temporarily remove the plugin
* Fix LP: #1064423 - "Submitting your report..." shows missing-icon icon.
Install the throbber icon in the package
- update debian/firefox.install.in
* Refresh patches
- update debian/patches/mozilla-kde.patch
- update debian/patches/allow-lockPref-everywhere.patch
- update debian/patches/fix-broken-langpack-install-manifests.patch
* Switch to encrypted search for Google
- update debian/searchplugins/en-GB/google.xml
- update debian/searchplugins/en-US/google.xml
- update debian/searchplugins/en-ZA/google.xml
- update debian/searchplugins/ja/google-jp.xml
- update debian/searchplugins/ku/google-ku.xml
-- Chris Coulson <email address hidden> Mon, 18 Feb 2013 10:08:56 +0000
This bug was fixed in the package firefox - 19.0+build1- 0ubuntu0. 10.04.1
--------------- 0ubuntu0. 10.04.1) lucid-security; urgency=low
firefox (19.0+build1-
* New upstream stable release (FIREFOX_ 19_0_BUILD1)
- see LP: #1128883 for USN information
- Fix LP: #1096286 - 404 error when using Chambers (UK) search.
Temporarily remove the plugin
* Fix LP: #1064423 - "Submitting your report..." shows missing-icon icon. firefox. install. in patches/ mozilla- kde.patch patches/ allow-lockPref- everywhere. patch patches/ fix-broken- langpack- install- manifests. patch searchplugins/ en-GB/google. xml searchplugins/ en-US/google. xml searchplugins/ en-ZA/google. xml searchplugins/ ja/google- jp.xml searchplugins/ ku/google- ku.xml
Install the throbber icon in the package
- update debian/
* Refresh patches
- update debian/
- update debian/
- update debian/
* Switch to encrypted search for Google
- update debian/
- update debian/
- update debian/
- update debian/
- update debian/
-- Chris Coulson <email address hidden> Mon, 18 Feb 2013 10:08:56 +0000