Activity log for bug #309830

Date Who What changed Old value New value Message
2008-12-19 20:57:51 Ronald Portier bug added bug
2008-12-19 20:57:51 Ronald Portier bug added attachment 'Dependencies.txt' (Dependencies.txt)
2008-12-19 20:57:51 Ronald Portier bug added attachment 'ExtensionSummary.txt' (ExtensionSummary.txt)
2008-12-19 20:57:51 Ronald Portier bug added attachment 'pluginreg.dat.txt' (pluginreg.dat.txt)
2008-12-19 20:57:51 Ronald Portier bug added attachment 'profiles.ini.txt' (profiles.ini.txt)
2009-01-13 06:04:32 NoBugs! firefox-3.0: status New Confirmed
2009-01-13 06:04:32 NoBugs! firefox-3.0: statusexplanation This same bug happens with other file types also.
2009-01-22 14:03:58 Charlie Kravetz firefox-3.0: status Confirmed Triaged
2009-01-22 14:03:58 Charlie Kravetz firefox-3.0: importance Undecided Medium
2009-01-22 14:03:58 Charlie Kravetz firefox-3.0: statusexplanation This same bug happens with other file types also. Setting status to triaged and importance medium