man page for expect calls glob "regular expression"

Bug #227542 reported by Ian! D. Allen
This bug affects 1 person
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone
expect (Ubuntu)

Bug Description

Binary package hint: expect

Ubuntu 7.10
expect 5.43.0-13.1

Under the "expect" section, "man expect" incorrectly says:

    (Such patterns are also similar to C-shell regular
    expressions usually referred to as "glob" patterns).

The C-shell man page doesn't call glob patterns "regular expressions",
it calls them "filename substitution patterns". It is wrong to use the
term "regular expressions" here. Also, Tcl/expect have *real* regular
expressions with a different syntax. Don't confuse the users.

If you really want to reference the C-shell, the man page should say:

    (Such patterns are also similar to C-shell filename substitution
    patterns, usually referred to as "glob" patterns.)

Revision history for this message
Ian! D. Allen (idallen) wrote :

Still an error in Ubuntu 9.10 man page.

Revision history for this message
Bryan Fullerton (fehwalker) wrote :

This phrasing is inherited from the original source code for expect.

I'm not clear that it's appropriate to fix this at the Ubuntu level only.

Revision history for this message
Ian! D. Allen (idallen) wrote :

Still an error in Ubuntu 12.04 man page.

Yes, it's an upstream issue that Ubuntu should send upstream.

Changed in expect (Ubuntu):
status: New → Confirmed
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