encfs password

Bug #393410 reported by pet
This bug affects 3 people
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone
encfs (Ubuntu)

Bug Description

Description: Ubuntu 9.04
Release: 9.04
apt-cache policy encfs
  Installiert: 1.4.2-2
  Kandidat: 1.4.2-2
 *** 1.4.2-2 0
        500 http://ch.archive.ubuntu.com jaunty/universe Packages
        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status


  Installiert: 0.9.3-1
  Kandidat: 0.9.3-1
 *** 0.9.3-1 0
        500 http://ch.archive.ubuntu.com jaunty/universe Packages
        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status

encfs forgetts the password. It does not allow to remount the folder because of "wrong" password. In other distros like debian feisty everything works fine.

regards peter

Revision history for this message
pet (pet-mueller1) wrote :

encfs -v points to SSL_Cipher.cpp which shows that the a checksum mismatch occured, see:

user@netbook:~$ encfs -v /home/user/encrypted/ /home/user/decrypted/
18:49:55 (main.cpp:515) Root directory: /home/user/encrypted/
18:49:55 (main.cpp:516) Fuse arguments: (daemon) (threaded) (keyCheck) encfs /home/user/decrypted/ -s -o use_ino -o default_permissions
18:49:55 (Interface.cpp:165) checking if ssl/aes(2:1:1) implements ssl/aes(2:1:0)
18:49:55 (SSL_Cipher.cpp:325) allocated cipher ssl/aes, keySize 32, ivlength 16
18:49:55 (FileUtils.cpp:1431) useStdin: 0
EncFS Passwort:

18:49:59 (openssl.cpp:48) Allocating 39 locks for OpenSSL
18:49:59 (FileUtils.cpp:1442) configuration key size = 52
18:49:59 (FileUtils.cpp:1443) cipher key size = 52
18:49:59 (SSL_Cipher.cpp:520) checksum mismatch: expected 1569182902, got 2735112488
18:49:59 (SSL_Cipher.cpp:521) on decode of 48 bytes
Fehler beim entschlüsseln des Datenträgers! Das Passwort ist falsch

Revision history for this message
pet (pet-mueller1) wrote :

after a long search on google I found somewhere a hint that changing the encryption to blowfish can prevent the failure in SSL_Cipher.cpp (AES).

user@netbook:~$ encfs /home/user/.encrypted_encfs/ /home/user/encrypted/
Erstelle neuen verschlüsselten Datenträger.
Bitte wählen Sie eine der folgenden Optionen:
 "x" für den Expertenmodus,
 "p" für den vorkonfigurierten Paranoia-Modus,
 etwas anderes oder eine Leerzeile wählt den Standard-Modus.
?> x

Manuelle Konfigurationsmodus ausgewählt.
Die folgenden Verschlüsselungsalgorithmen sind verfügbar
1. AES : 16 byte block cipher
 -- Unterstützt Schlüssellängen von 128 bis 256 bits
 -- Unterstützt Blockgrössen von 64 bis 4096 bytes
2. Blowfish : 8-Byte-Blockchiffre
 -- Unterstützt Schlüssellängen von 128 bis 256 bits
 -- Unterstützt Blockgrössen von 64 bis 4096 bytes

Geben Sie die Nummer Ihrer Auswahl an: 2

Gewählter Algorithmus "Blowfish"

Bitte wählen Sie eine Schlüssellänge in Bit. Die von Ihnen gewählte Verschlüsselung
unterstützt Längen von 128 bis 256 Bit in 32 Bit Schritten.
Zum Beispiel:
128, 160, 192, 224, 256
Ausgewählte Schlüsselgrösse: 256

and it worked now with blowfish encryption, also when useing cryptkeeper. This shows that something with the AES part in SSL_Cipher.cpp (or openssl ?) must be wrong.

Revision history for this message
heinzi (heinzismail) wrote :

I can confirm this bug. Found the same issue with encfs 1.4.2-2 on Jaunty.
The work arround works well, thanks to pet.

It seems to work in Karmic Quala with encfs 1.5.2-1ubuntu1 as a view tests have shown.

Revision history for this message
Launchpad Janitor (janitor) wrote :

Status changed to 'Confirmed' because the bug affects multiple users.

Changed in encfs (Ubuntu):
status: New → Confirmed
Revision history for this message
Joaquín (joaquin-moreno) wrote :

I'm not sure I know what I m doing but I opened a terminal and copied this:
encfs /home/user/.encrypted_encfs/ /home/user/encrypted/

Then I got this message:

The directory encfs /home/user/.encrypted_encfs/ /home/user/encrypted/ doesn t exist. Should it be created?

I typed in "y" for yes. Then came a super long piece of text offering different options:

Common Options:
  -H show optional FUSE Mount Options
  -s disable multithreaded operation
  -f run in foreground (don't spawn daemon).
   Error messages will be sent to stderr
   instead of syslog.
  -v, --verbose verbose: output encfs debug messages
  -i, --idle=MINUTES Auto unmount after period of inactivity
  --anykey Do not verify correct key is being used
  --forcedecode decode data even if an error is detected
   (for filesystems using MAC block headers)
  --public act as a typical multi-user filesystem
   (encfs must be run as root)
  --reverse reverse encryption
  --extpass=program Use external program for password prompt

Example, to mount at ~/crypt with raw storage in ~/.crypt :
    encfs ~/.crypt ~/crypt

For more information, see the man page encfs(1)

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