Activity log for bug #1785524

Date Who What changed Old value New value Message
2018-08-05 21:53:28 Gregorio Litenstein bug added bug
2018-08-05 21:54:17 Gregorio Litenstein description I found this while backporting a bunch of packages and couldn't find the cause up until now. dpkg >= 1.18.24 (possibly true in earlier unstable releases also) should depend on pkgbinarymangler >= 122 or they will FTBFS according to the following point of the release notes in pkgbinarymangler 122: * Stop failing nested package builds (packages calling dpkg-buildpackage for tests, etc.) on "inconsistent /CurrentlyBuilding file". This fixes FTBFS of debmake-doc, and also allows us to drop Ubuntu delta from some packages. I found this while backporting a bunch of packages and couldn't find the cause up until now. dpkg >= 1.18.24 (possibly true in earlier unstable releases also) should depend on pkgbinarymangler >= 122 or it will FTBFS according to the following point of the release notes in pkgbinarymangler 122:   * Stop failing nested package builds (packages calling dpkg-buildpackage for     tests, etc.) on "inconsistent /CurrentlyBuilding file". This fixes FTBFS     of debmake-doc, and also allows us to drop Ubuntu delta from some     packages.