For the 16.04 case there was no dpdkvhostuserclient yet, so there it had to stay around anyway as OVS was the server.
But I agree that it is in issue in regard to "/var/run/openvswitch/vhostuser/vhu* is created by qemu once" that matches what I expect and indeed in that case clearing the var/run directory is bad indeed.
For the time being a temporary workaround could be to try using a different path.
I'm unsure if - without further tweaks - OVS and the Qemu rocessed are allowed to access it (apparmor is in place), but you could try putting the socket paths at e.g. /var/run/ovs-qemu-sockets/ and see if this works as an interim solution.
For the 16.04 case there was no dpdkvhostuserclient yet, so there it had to stay around anyway as OVS was the server.
But I agree that it is in issue in regard to "/var/run/ openvswitch/ vhostuser/ vhu* is created by qemu once" that matches what I expect and indeed in that case clearing the var/run directory is bad indeed.
For the time being a temporary workaround could be to try using a different path. ovs-qemu- sockets/ and see if this works as an interim solution.
I'm unsure if - without further tweaks - OVS and the Qemu rocessed are allowed to access it (apparmor is in place), but you could try putting the socket paths at e.g. /var/run/