Comment 21 for bug 49217

Revision history for this message
Qishuai Liu (lqs) wrote :

I switched the codepage by using "chcp" command, and then run chkdsk. the UI of chkdsk changed.

C:\>chcp 936
活动的代码页: 936

C:\>chkdsk a:
文件系统的类型是 FAT。
卷序列号为 540C-0199
Windows 正在校验文件和文件夹...
Windows 已检查文件系统并确定没有问题。

磁盘空间总数 730,112 字节。
5 个文件夹: 5,120 字节。
2 个文件: 2,048 字节。
可用磁盘空间: 722,944 字节。

每个分配单元中有 1,024 字节。
磁盘上共有 713 个分配单元。
磁盘上有 706 个可用的分配单元。

C:\>dir a:
 驱动器 A 中的卷没有标签。
 卷的序列号是 540C-0199

 A:\ 的目录

2008-04-18 10:15 <DIR> 東
2008-04-18 10:16 <DIR> 嘰
2008-04-18 10:16 <DIR> BAD\CHAR
2008-04-18 10:18 <DIR> BAD
2008-04-18 10:20 531 chkdsk.txt
               1 个文件 531 字节
               4 个目录 722,944 可用字节

C:\>chcp 437
Active code page: 437

C:\>chkdsk a:
The type of the file system is FAT.
Volume Serial Number is 540C-0199
Windows is verifying files and folders...
File and folder verification is complete.
Windows has checked the file system and found no problems.

      730,112 bytes total disk space.
        5,120 bytes in 5 folders.
        2,048 bytes in 2 files.
      722,944 bytes available on disk.

        1,024 bytes in each allocation unit.
          713 total allocation units on disk.
          706 allocation units available on disk.

C:\>dir a:
 Volume in drive A has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is 540C-0199

 Directory of A:\

2008-04-18 10:15 <DIR> ?
2008-04-18 10:16 <DIR> ?
2008-04-18 10:16 <DIR> BAD\CHAR
2008-04-18 10:18 <DIR> BAD
2008-04-18 10:20 531 chkdsk.txt
               1 File(s) 531 bytes
               4 Dir(s) 722,944 bytes free