debdelta (0.33) unstable; urgency=low
* debdelta-upgrade: add checks and bails out if localepurge
has deleted files from the package
* correct bug in parsing of /etc/debdelta/debdelta.conf :
now sections match to the package name, not filename
* debdelta: simplify deltas a bit
* review the output of '-v'
debdelta (0.32) unstable; urgency=low
* debdeltas: add support for Packages.gz and Packages.bz2 .
* debdeltas: add option --test (that does what '-d' was doing before)
* debdelta,debdeltas:
- add option --disable-feature ,
- and add document README.features explaining backward compatibility,
- and correct some bugs in features handling.
* Change Depends: lzma, xdelta, xdelta3, bsdiff to Recommends
('debpatch' and 'debdelta-upgrade' will ask if they are needed).
* Fix exit status and document it in man page.
* Fix -v and -d , and document '-d' better in man pages.
* debpatch, debdelta-upgrade : if '-d' and a delta fails,
create some files that may be used to address the bug.
* Bug fix: "redownload package already in the cache", thanks to Sandro
Tosi (Closes: #544784).
debdelta (0.31) unstable; urgency=low
* Add GPG signatures (YAY!!)
* Update man pages to explain how to use signatures.
* Add a README.upgrade document in /usr/share/doc/debdelta
* Copy some useful stuff from contrib/ in /usr/share/debdelta :
dpkg-sig : a version of dpkg-sig, patched to support
debdelta signatures
debmirror-delta-security : an example script to create deltas
to upgrade from stable to stable-security : a simple script that explains how debpatch works
* Rearrange debian/rules
* Correct some bugs in lzma support, but more testing is needed
* debdelta : correct bug when the old deb contains data.tar.XX
the new one contains data.tar.YY and XX != YY
-- Ubuntu Archive Auto-Sync <email address hidden> Thu, 05 Nov 2009 05:55:35 +0000