Activity log for bug #601585

Date Who What changed Old value New value Message
2010-07-04 11:44:25 Tomas Cassidy bug added bug
2010-07-04 11:44:25 Tomas Cassidy attachment added Dependencies.txt
2010-08-19 06:46:35 Timmy Shih Jun Yee bug added subscriber Timmy Shih Jun Yee
2011-02-15 21:55:18 Barry Warsaw computer-janitor (Ubuntu): status New Confirmed
2011-02-15 21:55:21 Barry Warsaw computer-janitor (Ubuntu): importance Undecided Medium
2011-02-15 21:55:25 Barry Warsaw computer-janitor (Ubuntu): importance Medium High
2011-02-15 21:55:28 Barry Warsaw computer-janitor (Ubuntu): assignee Barry Warsaw (barry)
2011-02-15 21:55:33 Barry Warsaw computer-janitor (Ubuntu): milestone natty-alpha-3
2011-02-15 22:01:25 Barry Warsaw computer-janitor (Ubuntu): status Confirmed Fix Committed
2011-02-15 22:02:28 Launchpad Janitor branch linked lp:computer-janitor
2011-02-15 22:49:51 Barry Warsaw summary computer-janitor crashes with dbus Introspect error computer-janitor crashes with TypeError
2011-02-15 23:10:11 Launchpad Janitor computer-janitor (Ubuntu): status Fix Committed Fix Released
2011-02-16 00:14:27 Launchpad Janitor branch linked lp:ubuntu/computer-janitor