* Fixed Lintian error/warnings. (LP: #705436)
- debian/{po/,control,cobbler.templates}: Added I18N support to debconf
template file.
- debian/control:
+ Bumped Standards Version to 3.9.2 (no changes needed)
+ Changed python-koan binary package to section python.
- debian/copyright:
+ Updated Free Software Foundation (FSF) postal address.
+ Removed reference to base-files BSD licence.
- debian/patches/44_cobbler_manpage_syntax_fix.patch: Fix manpage to not
generate errors with pod2man.
- debian/{rules,cobbler.install}: Drop file extension to /usr/sbin/tftpd.py
- debian/cobbler.postrm: Set -e on shebang.
- debian/cobbler-web.lintian-overrides: Overide warning of scripts which
are purely provided as a web resource, never executed locally.
- debian/cobbler.manpages, debian/manpages/{cobbler-ext-nodes.1,cobblerd.1,
tftpd.1}: Initial manpages created.
* debian/control: Added Depends on python-twisted which is required by
cobblers tftpd.
-- Dave Walker (Daviey) <email address hidden> Fri, 03 Jun 2011 13:09:09 +0100
This bug was fixed in the package cobbler - 2.1.0-0ubuntu11
cobbler (2.1.0-0ubuntu11) oneiric; urgency=low
* Fixed Lintian error/warnings. (LP: #705436) {po/,control, cobbler. templates} : Added I18N support to debconf patches/ 44_cobbler_ manpage_ syntax_ fix.patch: Fix manpage to not {rules, cobbler. install} : Drop file extension to /usr/sbin/tftpd.py cobbler. postrm: Set -e on shebang. cobbler- web.lintian- overrides: Overide warning of scripts which cobbler. manpages, debian/ manpages/ {cobbler- ext-nodes. 1,cobblerd. 1,
- debian/
template file.
- debian/control:
+ Bumped Standards Version to 3.9.2 (no changes needed)
+ Changed python-koan binary package to section python.
- debian/copyright:
+ Updated Free Software Foundation (FSF) postal address.
+ Removed reference to base-files BSD licence.
- debian/
generate errors with pod2man.
- debian/
- debian/
- debian/
are purely provided as a web resource, never executed locally.
- debian/
tftpd.1}: Initial manpages created.
* debian/control: Added Depends on python-twisted which is required by
cobblers tftpd.
-- Dave Walker (Daviey) <email address hidden> Fri, 03 Jun 2011 13:09:09 +0100