cl-asdf (1.107-1) unstable; urgency=low
* New upstream release, adding the system-relative-pathname
cl-asdf (1.106-1) experimental; urgency=low
* New upstream. Major changes:
+ Minor patch in class-for-type that evaluates only *package* at read
time rather than (package-name *package*); this keeps case sensitive Lisps
happy all the time and keeps case insensitive lisps happily insensitive.
+ A patch from Richard Kreuter that allows pathname defaulting to work
better with *load-truename* and *default-pathname-defaults*; this makes it
easier to work with defsystems in the REPL.
cl-asdf (1.104-1) experimental; urgency=low
* Added XS-X-Vcs-Darcs header
* modified S-X-Vcs-Darcs to XS-Vcs-Darcs field
* New upstream. Major changes:
+ add a better docstring for component-depends-on (via #lisp and Robert
+ ASDF now sends output to *standard-output* (thanks to Richard M.
+ Slightly better SBCL_HOME treatement for SBCL.
* upload to experimental during the freeze
-- Ubuntu Archive Auto-Sync <email address hidden> Fri, 18 May 2007 09:29:59 +0100