chrony (3.5-4ubuntu1) focal; urgency=medium
* Merge with Debian unstable (LP: #1854328). Remaining changes:
- d/chrony.conf: use ubuntu ntp pool and server (LP 1744664 1754358)
- Set -x as default if unable to set time (e.g. in containers) (LP 1589780)
Chrony is a single service which acts as both NTP client (i.e. syncing the
local clock) and NTP server (i.e. providing NTP services to the network),
and that is both desired and expected in the vast majority of cases.
But in containers syncing the local clock is usually impossible, but this
shall not break the providing of NTP services to the network.
To some extent this makes chrony's default config more similar to 'ntpd',
which complained in syslog but still provided NTP server service in those
+ debian/chrony.service: allow the service to run without CAP_SYS_TIME
+ debian/control: add new dependency libcap2-bin for capsh (usually
installed anyway, but make them explicit to be sure).
+ debian/chrony.default: new option SYNC_IN_CONTAINER to not fall back
(Default off) [fixed a minor typo in the comment in this update]
+ debian/ wrapper to handle special cases in containers
and if CAP_SYS_TIME is missing. Effectively allows to run NTP server in
containers on a default installation and avoid failing to sync time (or
if allowed to sync, avoid multiple containers to fight over it by
+ debian/install: make available on install.
+ debian/docs, debian/README.container: provide documentation about the
handling of this case.
* Dropped changes:
- d/t/control: allow stderr for recent changes in resolved/iproute
(LP 1836882) [no more needed]
chrony (3.5-4) unstable; urgency=medium
* debian/tests/control:
- Add @builddeps@ to the list of dependencies needed by the
upstream-simulation-test-suite test.
chrony (3.5-3) unstable; urgency=medium
* debian/chrony.lintian-overrides:
- Override package-supports-alternative-init-but-no-init.d-script. This
is a false positive. chrony-dnssrv@.service isn’t a daemon but a oneshot
service, not started at boot, whose role is to lookup for _ntp._udp DNS SRV
* debian/chrony.service:
- Pull in and order chrony before it as recommended in
* debian/control:
- Bump standard-version to 4.4.0 (no changes required).
* debian/.gitlab-ci.yml:
- Switch to standard Salsa Pipeline.
- Skip the reprotest job for as long as it is run as root due to problems
with chrony system tests.
* debian/tests/*:
- Revamp the upstream-simulation-test-suite test.
- Adjust dpkg dependencies for upstream-simulation-test-suite.
- Adjust restrictions for upstream-simulation-test-suite.
- Introduce upstream-system-tests. Add a new set of tests for testing
basic chronyd functionality. Destructive tests are run in a virtual
- Add ethtool to the list of dependencies needed by
- exit 77 if upstream-simulation-test-suite is run on non-Linux and mark
the test as skippable. Thanks to Paul Gevers <email address hidden> for the
- Make artifacts() exit 1. Again, thanks to Paul Gevers.
-- Christian Ehrhardt <email address hidden> Thu, 28 Nov 2019 10:31:36 +0100