Comment 11 for bug 1764357

Revision history for this message
Launchpad Janitor (janitor) wrote :

This bug was fixed in the package chrony - 3.2-4ubuntu4

chrony (3.2-4ubuntu4) bionic; urgency=medium

  * d/postrm: re-establish systemd-timesyncd on removal (LP: #1764357)
  * Notify chrony to update sources in response to systemd-networkd
    events (LP: #1718227)
    - d/links: link dispatcher script to networkd-dispatcher events routable
      and off
    - d/control: set Recommends to networkd-dispatcher
    - d/p/lp-1718227-ignore-non-up-down-events-in-nm-dispatcher.patch
    - d/p/lp-1718227-nm-dispatcher-for-networkd.patch

 -- Christian Ehrhardt <email address hidden> Mon, 16 Apr 2018 17:04:06 +0200