[snap] Icons in file picker are corrupted

Bug #1867402 reported by Fernando
This bug affects 4 people
Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone
chromium-browser (Ubuntu)

Bug Description

See the attached picture. This happens in bionic.

Tags: snap
Revision history for this message
Fernando (fmuro) wrote :
Revision history for this message
Jora Sucharik (c3374610) wrote :

looks like your icon theme has non pendant accessible through snaps, so it takes some fallback icons from hicolor.

Revision history for this message
Fernando (fmuro) wrote :

It looks corrupted to me. This is in bionic with everything by default, no tweaks at all. I haven't changed a theme since I was in my twenties.

Revision history for this message
Olivier Tilloy (osomon) wrote :

Is this chromium as a snap, or the deb package? Please run the following command to attach additional debug information to the bug report:

    apport-collect 1867402

Changed in chromium-browser (Ubuntu):
status: New → Incomplete
Revision history for this message
Fernando (fmuro) wrote :

Snap, there's no other option, is there? Will apport-collect work for the snap installed from the store? I moved to proper Chrome because of other stuff, but I'd have no problem in reinstalling Chromium for debugging if necessary.

Revision history for this message
Olivier Tilloy (osomon) wrote :

If you're on bionic, Canonical is still maintaining the deb packages for now, so you could be using either the deb or the snap.

Revision history for this message
Olivier Tilloy (osomon) wrote :

And note that in later releases (starting with eoan), the chromium-browser deb package is a transitional package that installs the snap, but the apport hook is still there and will collect useful information about the installed snap.

Revision history for this message
Fernando (fmuro) wrote :

I see. Well, it was the snap in any case. Let me install the snap and run that command.

Revision history for this message
Fernando (fmuro) wrote :

Ooops, no luck. What should I do next?

Revision history for this message
Fernando (fmuro) wrote :

Let me clarify. I installed the snap, run it and opened a file picker via "Save page as" in order to check that the distorted icons were there. Then run apport and obtained the previous message.

Revision history for this message
Olivier Tilloy (osomon) wrote :

Right, that's because the chromium-browser deb package isn't installed. No worries, since this affects the snap anyway.

Revision history for this message
Olivier Tilloy (osomon) wrote :

Is the corruption always present, even after exiting and restarting chromium?

summary: - Icons in file picker don't render well
+ [snap] Icons in file picker are corrupted
tags: added: snap
Revision history for this message
Fernando (fmuro) wrote :

Yes, it's consistently there. I ran the snap for quite a while until I had to move to Google Chrome because of MS Teams support (you know, confinement tech). I reckon not many people open the file picker in a browser, but it's something I constantly do due to my workflow.

Revision history for this message
Paul White (paulw2u) wrote :

I'm also seeing that issue here using Ubuntu 20.04 (Adwaita icon theme) and Kubuntu 20.04 (Breeze icon theme). When switching to the Yaru icon theme fully legible icons are displayed in Ubuntu.

A quick test, which might not be totally accurate, shows me that only by selecting Yaru are these icons displayed correctly.

Revision history for this message
Fernando (fmuro) wrote :

Paul, you're right, I checked a while ago that this wasn't reproducible in Eoan with the Yaru theme. Maybe this has to do with the fact that the only-snap Chromium came when Yaru was already the default?

Revision history for this message
Sebastien Bacher (seb128) wrote :

Corrupted in that context means 'the wrong icon'? Is that only about the download one?

Revision history for this message
Fernando (fmuro) wrote :

Sebastien, no, it really seems to be the right icons but with a lot of noise, have a look at the screenshot in the first attachment. It happens whenever you trigger the GTK file picker from the chromium snap in whatever way.

Revision history for this message
Paul White (paulw2u) wrote :

"a lot of noise" is a good description although to me it looks like there is an unwanted icon superimposed over the wanted icon.

I've attached a screenshot of what I see in Kubuntu. Only the Videos icon is displayed correctly.

Revision history for this message
Jora Sucharik (c3374610) wrote :

you can inspect the chromium content interface. just look for the slot where chromium:icon-themes is plugged in, e.c. by:

$ snap connections chromium | grep chromium:icon-themes

if that snap doesn't provide you the user chosen icon theme it fallbacks to hicolor.

Revision history for this message
Fernando (fmuro) wrote :

Hi, Jora. The output is:

content[icon-themes] chromium:icon-themes gtk-common-themes:icon-themes -

Changed in chromium-browser (Ubuntu):
status: Incomplete → Confirmed
importance: Undecided → Low
Revision history for this message
Chris Williamson (chriswilliamson-i) wrote :

I have this same problem. I'm running Kubuntu 20.04 with Chromium snap revision 1213.

Revision history for this message
Mateusz Stachowski (stachowski-mateusz) wrote :

I have two themes connected:

content[icon-themes] chromium:icon-themes gtk-common-themes:icon-themes -
content[icon-themes] chromium:icon-themes qogir-themes:icon-themes manual

And only if I choose Yaru or one of the Qogir variants I don't get the corrupted icons in file picker.

Choosing Adwaita, Dmz-white, Dmz-black, Highcontrast or any other icon theme results in corrupted icons.

Revision history for this message
Olivier Tilloy (osomon) wrote :

Does the following command appear to fix the problem (after restarting chromium)?

    rm -rf ~/snap/chromium/common/.cache

Revision history for this message
Chris Williamson (chriswilliamson-i) wrote :

Olivier: No, rm -rf ~/snap/chromium/common/.cache does not fix the problem. Icons still look to me exactly the same as in my screenshot in comment #21.

Also I just noticed where Fernando said in comment #13 that he thought probably not many people open the file chooser in a browser. I regularly print/save pages as PDFs and save files to non-default locations, so I see the file chooser often, though these icons are not interfering with any of my tasks.

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