checksecurity (2.0.13ubuntu1) karmic; urgency=low
* Merge from debian unstable, remaining changes:
- Downgrade all Recommends to Suggests.
- Downgrade fcron from Depends to Suggest, it is in universe
and we are already depending on anacron
checksecurity (2.0.13) unstable; urgency=low
* Do not report 'disk full' for filesystems mounted under /media.
This includes the cdrom as well as possibly some other removal
media like USB memories. Thanks to Tim Connors for
detecting this bug and providing a patch (Closes: #514306)
* Add some information in the both check-setuid's manpage and the
configuration file related to false positives generated from /dev changes
when a system is rebooted (due to changes in timestamps). And provide
instructions on how to remove them.
* Extend check-socket to make it possible to exclude certain lines from
the output through the CHECKSECURITY_IGNORELINES variable.
(Closes: #522749)
* Added the 'lustre' filesystem to the network filesystem list in
the default check-setuid.conf (Closes: #502421)
* Change Makefile to include etc/check-socket.conf in the package.
-- Muharem Hrnjadovic <email address hidden> Wed, 03 Jun 2009 12:25:55 +0200