* Fix gconf keys for suspend and hibernate (thanks, Oliver Grawert;
LP: #144790).
* Enable suspend again since as far as I can see we no longer need to
probe DMI while figuring out whether to enable it (see #61535).
* Add a 'textonly' boot option to disable X (LP: #65818).
* Write the please-remove-CD message to /dev/console so that it works even
if usplash isn't running, and make sure to set /dev/console into a sane
state so that pressing Enter doesn't just result in ^M being displayed.
-- Colin Watson <email address hidden> Tue, 02 Oct 2007 15:12:57 +0100
casper (1.107) gutsy; urgency=low
* Fix gconf keys for suspend and hibernate (thanks, Oliver Grawert;
LP: #144790).
* Enable suspend again since as far as I can see we no longer need to
probe DMI while figuring out whether to enable it (see #61535).
* Add a 'textonly' boot option to disable X (LP: #65818).
* Write the please-remove-CD message to /dev/console so that it works even
if usplash isn't running, and make sure to set /dev/console into a sane
state so that pressing Enter doesn't just result in ^M being displayed.
-- Colin Watson <email address hidden> Tue, 02 Oct 2007 15:12:57 +0100