ca-certificates (20070303-0ubuntu0.7.10.1) gutsy-proposed; urgency=low
* Fix up generation of the /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
file for those users who installed the package in a pt_BR
locale (LP: #153625). A mistake in the translation template
meant that the choices were not available in this locale,
and so the file was always empty.
- If you were affected and have not tried to reconfigure this
package, then the problem should be corrected for you
- If you were affected and have tried to reconfigure the package
you may be shown a debconf question to allow you to select
the certificates that you want.
- The only users who were not affected by this bug but may
be affected by this fix are those who installed in a different
locale, and then reconfigured the package so that no
certificates are trusted, and who now run in a pt_BR locale.
They will have to deselect all of the certificates again.
* In addition to the previous version this version prevents the
question being asked multiple times for those who appear to
have been hit by this issue.
-- James Westby <email address hidden> Tue, 08 Apr 2008 12:13:30 +0100