Activity log for bug #752193

Date Who What changed Old value New value Message
2011-04-06 04:23:57 Yevgen Muntyan bug added bug
2011-04-10 21:37:15 Mario Limonciello bash-completion (Ubuntu): status New Confirmed
2011-04-10 21:37:21 Mario Limonciello bug added subscriber Mario Limonciello
2011-04-15 14:37:01 Xavier Bassery summary Completion is too jealous for basic commands Completion treats directories like files with some commands
2011-04-15 14:51:43 Xavier Bassery bug added subscriber Xavier Bassery
2011-04-15 15:01:52 Mario Limonciello bug watch added
2011-04-15 15:01:52 Mario Limonciello bug task added bash-completion (Debian)
2011-04-15 15:03:50 Mario Limonciello bash-completion (Ubuntu): status Confirmed Won't Fix
2011-04-15 15:04:12 Mario Limonciello summary Completion treats directories like files with some commands Installation of the acroread package causes completion to treat directories like files with some commands
2011-04-15 15:04:35 Mario Limonciello bug task added acroread (Ubuntu)
2011-04-15 15:46:14 Xavier Bassery removed subscriber Xavier Bassery
2011-04-15 16:22:57 Bug Watch Updater bash-completion (Debian): status Unknown Won't Fix
2011-04-21 19:36:03 Brian Thomason acroread (Ubuntu): status New Confirmed
2011-04-21 19:36:12 Brian Thomason acroread (Ubuntu): assignee Brian Thomason (brian-thomason)
2011-04-29 18:46:51 Felix Haller bug added subscriber Felix Haller
2011-05-02 16:31:05 Brian Thomason bug added subscriber Brian Thomason
2011-05-03 08:14:26 Vegard Svanberg bug added subscriber Vegard Svanberg
2011-05-17 12:13:28 William Grant removed subscriber William Grant
2011-05-17 22:18:10 Jan Schneider bug added subscriber Jan Schneider
2011-06-03 16:36:35 Tom Jaeger bug added subscriber Tom Jaeger
2011-06-17 05:57:03 Nobuto Murata bug added subscriber Nobuto MURATA
2013-03-01 11:19:12 Gianfranco Costamagna acroread (Ubuntu): status Confirmed Incomplete
2013-11-10 13:44:50 Laurent Bonnaud acroread (Ubuntu): status Incomplete Fix Released
2018-11-10 05:46:57 Bug Watch Updater bash-completion (Debian): status Won't Fix New
2018-11-18 13:49:18 Bug Watch Updater bash-completion (Debian): status New Fix Released
2019-01-03 16:51:56 Dan Joakim Eiworth bug added subscriber Dan Joakim Eiworth